
mǔ dān tínɡ
  • Peony Pavilion
  1. 《牡丹亭》译本对比研究

    Comparative Study of Translations of the Peony Pavilion

  2. 梦幻:人类理想的戏剧表现形式《牡丹亭》的心理分析

    Dream as the Means of Dramatic Expression of Man 's Ideal a Psychological Study of the Peony Pavilion

  3. 之后,她开始从更宽泛的角度思考花园:《牡丹亭》中杜丽娘梦想爱情的那个花园以及伊甸园(GardenofEden)。

    And she began thinking more broadly about gardens : the one where Du Liniang of " The Peony Pavilion " dreams of love , and the Garden of Eden .

  4. 他的戏剧作品中,《牡丹亭》是最广为人知的。

    Among his works , Peony Pavilion is the most well-known .

  5. 论《牡丹亭》对民间文学素材的处理

    On How to Handle the Folk Literature Materials in Peony Pavilion

  6. 在古典与现代之间&青春版昆曲《牡丹亭》的诠释

    Between the Ancient and the Modern : Youth Implication in Peony Pavilion

  7. 《牡丹亭》两译本的文化分析

    Cultural Analysis of Two English Versions of the Peony Pavilion

  8. 文化与翻译&读汪榕培《牡丹亭》英译本随想

    Culture and Translation & Reflections from Reading the Translated The Peony Pavilion

  9. 二人在牡丹亭度过了无比快活的时光。

    They have a great time in the peony pavilion .

  10. 《牡丹亭》的英译及传播

    The Peony Pavilion ── Its English translations and propagation

  11. 浅析《牡丹亭》的戏剧冲突

    Simple Explanation to the Dramatic Conflict of Peony Pavilion

  12. 《西厢记》《牡丹亭》女性意识之解读

    Interpretation to Feminine Awareness of The Romance of West Chamber and Peony Pavilion

  13. 《牡丹亭》是中国戏曲史上的杰作,具有卓越的思想艺术成就。

    The peony pavilion is an outstanding work in Chinese opera drama history .

  14. 清代艺人对《牡丹亭》的改编

    The Revisions of The Peony Pavilion during the Qing Dynasty by the actors

  15. 说《牡丹亭》中的情

    On " Love " in the Peony Pavilion

  16. 汪榕培在翻译《牡丹亭》时,亦充分考虑了目标读者。

    Professor Wang takes the readers into full account when translating The Peony Pavilion .

  17. 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》与《牡丹亭》之比较

    A Comparison between " Romeo and Juliet " and " The Peony Pavilion "

  18. 《牡丹亭》主题意蕴再探

    Searching the Subject Implication of Peony Pavilion Again

  19. 众所周知,《牡丹亭》的主旨是写情。

    As is known to all , the keynote of the Peony Pavilion is love .

  20. 至情超逸传统意识的叛逆女性&《西厢记》与《牡丹亭》之比较

    The Rebel Female with the Traditional Consciousness

  21. 明清时期家班及职业戏班演出《牡丹亭》概况

    The Stage Performance of " The Peony Pavilion " During the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  22. 论《牡丹亭》对情的塑形

    Molding of Love in The Peony Pavilion

  23. 《牡丹亭》的魅力

    The Charm of The Peony Pavilion

  24. 试论《牡丹亭》的悲剧实质

    The Tragic Essence of Mudan Pavilion

  25. 从戏剧结构看《牡丹亭》杜宝形象的复杂性

    The Complexity of Du Bao 's Image in Peony Pavilion from the Perspective of Dramatic Structure

  26. 《牡丹亭》是我国戏剧史和文学史上经久不衰的歌咏至情的杰作。

    " Peony Pavilion " is a enduring masterpieces of the literature and theater history in China .

  27. 昆曲青春版《牡丹亭》跨文化传播的意义

    On the Cross-culture Communication of Kunqu Opera ( Young Lovers ' Edition ) of The Peony Pavilion

  28. 在明清时期,《牡丹亭》女读者的活动地域主要在江南。

    The female readers of The Peony Pavilion in Ming-Qing dynasties mostly lived in south of the River .

  29. 《牡丹亭》中的澳门故事

    The Story of Macao

  30. 明清有关《牡丹亭》的各种版本是一种文本传播,另具特色的是对《牡丹亭》的评点本和修改本的传播。

    Kinds of edition in Ming dynasty and Qing dynasty are the text spread of The Peony Pavilion .