
  • 网络Newton’s second law of motion;Newton's second law of motion;Newtons second law of motion;Newton''s second law of motion
  1. 在选择了描述船舶运动坐标系的前提下,根据刚体动力学理论和牛顿第二运动定律,推导了舰船六自由度的非线性模型,并在此基础上建立了舰船在水平面中的非线性运动模型。

    Based on rigid body kinetics theory and the Second Newton Law , selecting coordinate system , nonlinear model of warship with six free degrees is acquired , then the nonlinear model of warship on water level is inferred .

  2. 根据牛顿第二运动定律,详细导出了矢量重力测量的数学模型,介绍了用捷联惯导系统和卫星定位系统测量重力矢量的基本方法。

    The mathematic model of vector gravimetry is deduced from the second motion law of Newton within inertial frame , according to which a basic principle of computing vector gravity using position and velocity information deduced from strap-down INS and GPS is described .