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  • 网络beef and mutton;Red Meat;Beef & Lamb
  1. 这些资料将被用来发展和测试牛羊肉生产系统的饲料和放牧管理对策。

    The information will be used to develop and test forage and grazing management strategies for red meat production systems .

  2. 此外,许多保健意识很强的女性面临更大的危险,因为她们拒绝食用牛羊肉,而这些肉中含有的铁质最易被吸收。

    Plus , many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat , which contains the most easily absorbed form of iron .

  3. PCR鉴定牛羊肉中搀杂猪肉的方法建立

    Establishment of method for PCR detection of pig components in beef and mutton

  4. LAL试验快速检测牛羊肉细菌污染程度的研究

    Studies on Rapid Determination of Bacterial Contamination and Freshness of Beef and Mutton by LAL Test

  5. 蛋、牛奶、大豆、猪牛羊肉特异性IgG4检出率明显高于特异性IgE(P<0.05)。

    The detection rates of allergen specific IgG4 to eggs , milk , soya , pork , lamb and beef were significantly higher than those of allergen-specific IgE ( P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 只能从肉类、乳制品和家禽产品中获取的维生素B12是中枢神经系统正常运行的必要保障,而牛羊肉中富含维生素B12。

    Red meat is rich in vitamin B12 , a vitamin that can only be found in meats , dairy or poultry products and is essential to the operations of the central nervous system .

  7. 发现LAL试验结果与微生物及鲜度指标测定结果呈正相关,根据LAL指数,可快速判定肉品的细菌污染程度及鲜度。患儿中牛羊肉sIgE阳性率很低。

    A positive correlation wns observed among the indices . It was found LAL test index can be used to determine rapidly the bacterial contamination and freshness of the beef and mutton meat . The positive sIgE values to beef and mutton were low .

  8. 三是在菜肴中牛羊肉菜比重很大。

    Third , in a large proportion of dishes Meat cattle and sheep .

  9. 我生长在内蒙,所以我真吃牛羊肉。

    I live in Inner Mongolia , so I like eat beef and mutton .

  10. 反刍动物饲料中乳源性成分与牛羊肉骨粉的区分

    Distinction and Identification of Milk Powder and Bovine or Ovine Meat and Bone Meal in Ruminant Feedstuffs

  11. 应该提高鱼肉,鸡肉,牛羊肉在肉食中的比例。

    We need increase the intake of other meats like fish , chicken , beef or mutton .

  12. 青海辽阔的草原培育出了全国最上等的牛羊肉。

    The cuisine : Qinghai 's vast expanse of grassland produces some of the country 's finest mutton and beef .

  13. 采购:冷冻蔬菜,桃罐头,蘑菇罐头,什锦水果罐头,冷冻牛羊肉。

    Buy : Frozen vegetables , Canned peach , canned mushrooms , canned mixed fruits , frozen beef , frozen lamb .

  14. 在那曲镇农贸市场,出售蔬菜和水果的摊位超过牛羊肉的摊位。

    On market fairs in Nagqu , the number of stalls selling fruit and vegetable exceeds that of beef and mutton stalls .

  15. 食谱里含红肉(牛羊肉等)及海产品(鱼和贝类)较高会明显增加发生痛风的危险。

    Eating a diet high in red meat and seafood ( both fish and shellfish ) drastically increases your risk of developing gout .

  16. 食用茧蛹或将醉蜜蜂添加到调味酱中能为牛羊肉价格激增提供有效的解决方法。

    Snacking on silkworm moth larvae or adding blitzed bees to sauces could offer a much-needed solution to soaring costs of red meat .

  17. 今后应大力提高清真牛羊肉的卫生质量,严格按照各个环境、环节中规定的卫生标准进行生产。

    We should greatly improve the quality and safety of Muslim beef and mutton in future , and produce under the health standard .

  18. 牛羊肉、豆及其制品的消耗量,男性分别减少23.2%和增加16.7%,差别有显著性(P<0.05),女性均无显著变化。

    The consumption of beef and mutton in men decreased 23.2 % , bean increased 16.7 % , but had no variation in women .

  19. 采用实地调查的方式对临夏市清真牛羊肉的卫生质量从养殖、屠宰加工、包装、贮运、销售方面进行调查分析。

    We investigated and analyzed the health quality of beef and mutton in breeding , slaughter , processing , packaging , storage and marketing .

  20. 在我节食的几个月里,我不仅放弃了红肉(牛羊肉)而且每天确保自己能喝上大量的牛奶。

    For the several months that I was dieting , I also gave up red meat and made sure to drink a lot of milk .

  21. 我们总自以为知道该吃些什么:减少牛羊肉这些红色肉类以及饱和脂肪的摄进,多吃高纤食品和水果蔬菜?那你可就错了!

    We think we know what to eat : less red meat and more fibre , less saturated fat and more fruit and veg , right ?

  22. 高脂肪的油炸食品,全奶制品,蛋糕、甜饼,馅饼及牛羊肉是最大的罪魁祸首之一。

    The fat in fried foods , whole-milk dairy products , cakes , cookies and pies , and red meat is one of the biggest culprits .

  23. 家庭规模的增大,将使城乡居民减少猪肉和蛋类消费,增加禽肉和牛羊肉消费;

    With the enlarging of the household scale , urban residents will reduce their pork and eggs consumption , but increase poultry and little beef and button ;

  24. 据说不吃牛羊肉对环境有好处,因为这种肉降低排放且更少的土地用来生产替代品。

    It has often been claimed that avoiding red meat is beneficial to the environment , because it lowers emissions and less land is used to produce alternatives .

  25. 我们同时签两个合同,一是牛羊肉的销售(出口)合同,另一个是等额的棉花购买(进口)合同。

    We should simultaneously sign two contracts , one sales contract for beef and mutton , and the other contract of equal value for the purchase of cotton .

  26. 骨汤,顾名思义,来源于牛羊肉或鸡肉等肉类。和水一起烹调,如果能加一点苹果醋,那就更理想了。

    As the name suggests , it contains the bones from meat beef , lamb or chicken cooked with water and ideally a little cider vinegar to help the process .

  27. 帕斯图索的秘鲁厨师亚历桑德罗·萨拉维亚已经有四年做羊驼肉的经验了,他说羊驼肉的味道和牛羊肉的味道很像。

    Alejandro Saravia , who is a Peruvian chef at Pastuso , has cooked with alpaca meat for four years and described the taste as similar to beef or lamb .

  28. 在西北,主食和汤的完美融合,除了牛羊肉泡馍,还不能漏了兰州牛肉面。

    In Northwest China , chopped-up baked buns in lamb or beef broth is a perfect combination of staple food and soup . Another example can be the Lanzhou beef noodles .

  29. 建议调整饮食结构,适当增加动物内脏及牛羊肉等食物,减少动物脂肪的摄入,提倡食物品种多样化。

    Therefore , it is necessary to adjust the food structure , increase the intake of animal viscera and meat , decrease the intake of animal fat and diversify the food items .

  30. 食物组过敏原以牛羊肉(32/121)为最高,其后依次是蛋类(13/121)和牛奶(11/121)。

    While in food group , the most common allergen was beef and mutton ( 32 / 121 ), then was eggs ( 13 / 121 ) and milk ( 11 / 121 ) .