
  1. 牛的鼠隐孢子虫(Cryptosporidiummuris)在小鼠体内的发育研究

    Development of Bovine Cryptosporidium muris in Mice

  2. 此结果表明:TYR基因该区段在人、牛、鼠、猪上极其保守。

    The result showed that the sequences of TYR gene were very conservative among the species : pig , human , cattle and mouse .

  3. 与人、牛、鼠的酪氨酸酶基因序列比对结果显示,TYR基因该区段在人、牛、鼠、猪上极其保守。

    A comparison of the sequences with known DNA sequences in human , cattle and mice showed that the region of tyrosinase gene is highly conservative in human , cattle , mice and pigs .

  4. 红细胞凝集试验表明该病毒能凝集健康人O型血红细胞,不能凝集SPF鸡、实验用普通级牛、大鼠和豚鼠的红细胞。理化特性试验表明该病毒对氯仿有抵抗力;

    Hemagglutination test indicated that the virus could agglutinate healthy human type O red cells , but could not agglutinate the red cells of SPF chicken , experimental common bovine , rat and guinea pig red cells .

  5. 胎牛血清对胎鼠神经干细胞分化的影响

    Effect of FCS on Differentiation of Neural Stem Cells from Fetal Mice

  6. 牛初乳粉大鼠长期毒性研究

    Long-term Toxicity Test of Bovine Colostrum Powder

  7. 本文用伊氏牛锥虫小白鼠血片免疫荧光法检测584例血清标本。

    584 human serum samples were tested for anti-ds-DNA antibodies with a new immunofluorescence assay by means of blood smears of mice infected with Trypanosoma evansi as substrate .