
niú nǎi chǎnɡ
  • dairy
  1. 牛奶场出售牛奶和黄油。

    They sell milk and butter at the dairy .

  2. 魁北克的牛奶场工人本身被确保拥有全国牛奶加工市场47%的占有率。

    Quebec 's dairy farmers are themselves guaranteed a47 percent national market share for processed milk .

  3. 荷兰有很多牛奶场。

    There are many dairies in Holland .

  4. 这块房产包括两座小型建筑和一个牛奶场。

    Buildings of the estate include two lodges and a dairy .

  5. 这里跟牛奶场可不一样。

    It is not like it was at the dairy .

  6. 他是作为一名学习务农的学生来到这个牛奶场的,

    He had come as a student of farming to this dairy ,

  7. 黑荒野山谷以小牛奶场谷而闻名。

    which was known as the Vale of Little Dairies .

  8. 在牛奶场工作的妇女。

    A woman who works in a dairy .

  9. 但是现在,只有很少的美国牛奶场配置了厌氧消化器。

    Currently , only a small percentage of U.S.dairies are equipped with anaerobic digesters .

  10. 他在麦迪逊附近经营一家牛奶场。

    He ran a dairy near madison .

  11. 时间一个月又一个月地过去了。春夏两季,苔丝就在牛奶场找点临时的活儿干。

    And so the months passed.Tess found occasional dairy work for the spring and summer .

  12. 在遭到损害的牛奶场,主席躺在一对修理过的椅子上理发。

    On the impaired dairy the chairman lay in a pair of repaired chairs for haircut .

  13. 现在是四点半,到了牛奶场的人们把牛赶回来的时候了。

    It was half - past four , when the dairy people brought in the cows .

  14. 下午的鸡啼,牛奶场的人们都为这个凶兆直摇头。

    " An afternoon crow ," and the dairy folk shake their heads at the evil omen .

  15. 那天晚上,她们中有个姑娘坚持要给苔丝讲牛奶场里所有人的情况。

    That night one of the girls insisted on telling Tess about all the people at the dairy .

  16. 其中有一位中年男子,就是苔丝正在寻找的牛奶场主。

    One of them was a middle - aged man , the head - dairyman she was looking for .

  17. 然后,他们又买了很多奶牛和公牛,建了当地最大的牛奶场。

    Then they bought many more cows and bulls , and built the largest dairy farm in the area .

  18. 这片校区,有一所乔治时期的住宅,一座伊丽莎白时期的牛奶场,还有一座中世纪庄园的塔楼。

    Within the grounds are a Georgian mansion , an Elizabethan dairy and the tower of a medieval manor .

  19. 从他挤一头牛花费的时间来看,对牛奶场的活儿,他显然是一个新手。

    From the time he had spent milking one cow , he was clearly a beginner at dairy work .

  20. 一直在留神听他们说话的苔丝,以为这些话是对牛奶场老板说的,不过她想错了。

    Tess , who had given ear to this , thought the words were addressed to the dairyman , but she was wrong .

  21. 刘百斤同时还经营着一家村里的牛奶场,他表示,奶制品产业就像中国的股市一样,风云难测。

    Mr Liu , who also manages the village 's dairy farm , says the dairy business has been like China 's stockmarket ( notorious for its wild swings ) .

  22. 当苔丝热情洋溢地朝着牛奶场跑下山时,她突然听到了挤奶的号令,一遍又一遍地在山谷各个角落响起。

    As Tess , full of enthusiasm , came downhill towards the dairy , she suddenly heard the milking call , again and again , from all parts of the valley .

  23. 在维能姨丈怒气冲冲地向邮局和牛奶场打电话找人投诉的时候,帕尤妮亚姨妈已经用她的食品搅拌器把信搅得粉碎了。

    While Uncle Vernon made furious telephone calls to the post office and the dairy trying to find someone to complain to , Aunt Petunia shredded the letters in her food processor .

  24. 但是,尽管苔丝决意忘掉她的祖先,那个叫塔尔勃塞的牛奶场之所以特别吸引她,却正是因为它挨着古老的德伯家族的土地。

    But in spite of Tess 's decision to forget her ancestors , the dairy , called Talbothays , especially attracted her because it was near the former lands of the old d'Urberville family .

  25. 难道你没有感觉到过一丝一毫你在牛奶场时对我的爱吗?我没变,我还是你以前爱上的那个女人,一点也没变。当初,我一见到你,过去的事情对我就都消亡了……

    Haven 't you ever felt one little bit of your love for me at the dairy ? I am the same woman you fell in love with then , the very same.As soon as I met you , the past was dead for me ...

  26. 乳牛场主拥有或经营牛奶公司或乳牛场的男子。

    A man who owns or manages a dairy .

  27. 一个农夫的女孩正提著牛奶桶从牛奶场到农舍。这时她正沉迷在高兴幻想中。

    A Farmer 's daughter was carrying her pail of milk from the field to the farm-house , when she fell amusing .

  28. 养殖奶牛1千头以上的大型养牛场,仅占总产量的7%。相比之下,美国将近一半的牛奶来自大型养牛场。

    Large-scale farms , with more than 1,000 cows , supply just 7 per cent of the total , compared with nearly half in the US .

  29. 这是第一个用不透光的牛奶瓶装牛奶的奶牛场,但是他们现在使用的是透光的塑料瓶。

    It was one of the first diaries to bottle milk in opaque plastic , but now they 're using clear plastic began .

  30. 牛奶、奶油、奶酪从牛奶场运到这里。

    Milk , butter and cheese are brought in here from dairy farms .