
  • 网络edentulous;edentulous jaw
  1. 牙列缺失是发生在口腔的一种常见病,由老年退行性变化、龋病、牙周病、外伤、发育异常、肿瘤等因素引起。

    Edentulous is a common disease in oral cavity , caused by dental caries , periodontal disease , trauma , developmental abnormalities , cancer and other factors .

  2. 目的比较牙列缺失患者行下颌半口义齿和下颌种植覆盖义齿修复的主观感受。

    Objective To compare the subjective attitudes of fully edentulous patients in mandible toward the implant-borne overdentures and toward the previous complete dentures .

  3. 下颌牙列缺失即刻种植负重的临床研究

    Clinical study of immediate loading of implant-supported mandibular fixed denture

  4. 弹性仿生义齿在牙列缺失中的临床应用

    Clinical Application of Elastic Bionic Artificial Teeth in Denture Deletion

  5. 结论严格操作,弹性仿生义齿对矫治牙列缺失有较多优点。

    Conclusion This method might have obvious advantages in correction of denture deletion .

  6. 牙列缺失修复率高于牙列缺损修复率;

    The ratio of prosthesis of dentition loss was higher than that of dentition defection .

  7. 目的探讨弹性仿生义齿在牙列缺失的矫治中的意义。

    Objective To discuss the significance of correction of denture deletion with elastic bionic artificial teeth .

  8. 牙列缺失率为21.98%,修复率为71.18%。

    Results : Dentition defect prevalence rate was 52.54 % , dentition missing rate was 21.98 % .

  9. 长沙市434名军队离休干部牙列缺失及修复状况调查

    A Survey of the Status of Teeth Loss and Prosthesis of 434 Retired Military Cadres in Changsha

  10. 下颌前方牙列缺失修复前后牙根尖应力分布的光弹实验根管治疗一次法同期根尖手术治疗前牙根尖囊肿的疗效观察

    Clinical Evaluation of One-visit Root Canal Therapy and Endodontic Surgery at One Time in Anterior Teeth Apical Cyst

  11. 安氏Ⅱ类1分类下颌后缩儿童的肌电研究种植义齿修复牙列缺失后嚼肌肌电活动变化及意义

    An electromyographic study of masticatory muscles in growing children with Class ⅱ Division 1 malocclusion and mandibular retrusion

  12. 结果:Branemark杆卡式固位种植覆盖义齿修复严重吸收上颌骨全牙列缺失的近期成功率为100%。

    Results : The implant success rates for bar-clip attached and implant-supported overdentures in severely resorbed edentulous maxilla was100 % .

  13. 目的:评价FRIALIT-2球帽固位的种植覆盖义齿修复下颌牙列缺失且牙槽嵴低平的临床效果。

    Objects : To study the clinical effects of ball attachments supported overdenture in patients with mandibular alveolar ridge atrophy .

  14. 【目的】了解并分析驻长沙市军队离休干部牙列缺失及修复情况,为军队离休干部的口腔保健提供基础资料。

    【 Objective 】 To understand and analyze the state of teeth loss and prosthesis in retired military cadres in Changsha .

  15. 目的:牙列缺失是临床上常遇见的问题,总义齿修复可以在一定程度上恢复患者咀嚼功能,改善面部外形。

    Objective : Edentulous jaw is a common condition encountered in clinical practice . Complete denture can partly recover patients ' masticatory function and improve their facial contour .

  16. 口腔种植技术在功能和美学修复效果方面相对于其它传统义齿修复方法而言具有极大的优点,已成为牙齿、牙列缺失重要的常规修复方法。

    Oral implant technology , which has a great advantage over other traditional partial denture methods in the aspects of function and aesthetic effect , has become one of the most important restoration methods for the missing or deficient teeth .

  17. 牙列游离缺失可摘局部义齿稳定不良原因分析

    Analysis of Unstability Causes of the Distal Extension Removable Partial Dentures

  18. 种植修复是目前临床修复牙列缺损缺失的方法之一,随着种植修复材料和技术的不断发展,临床常见的牙列缺损缺失均可进行种植修复,是牙列缺损缺失修复的发展方向之一。

    Implant is one of the popular clinical methods to fix the dentition defect . With the development of the materials and technology of the implants , implants can be applied to all common dentition defects in clinical work .

  19. 牙列末端游离缺失采用套筒冠义齿修复的临床研究模型置换印模技术修复下颌游离端牙列缺损的临床研究

    Clinic Research of Bilateral Distal Extension Removable Partial Denture Fabricated by Altered Cast Impression Technique

  20. 目的为口腔修复牙列缺损和缺失提供排牙时动态美学标准。

    Objective To provide a dynamic aesthetic criteria for dental deformities such as missing and hideous restorations .

  21. 河南省65~74岁年龄组牙列缺损或缺失情况流行病学抽样调查分析

    A study on the epidemiology of dentition defect and dentition missing in aged people in Henan province

  22. 使用迷你种植体辅助固位修复重度齿槽嵴萎缩患者牙列缺损或缺失的临床研究

    Supporting the Use of Mini-implant Retention of Severe Alveolar Ridge Atrophy in Patients with Dentition Defect or Lack of Clinical Research

  23. 目的探讨口腔科门诊采用磁性附着体覆盖义齿修复牙列缺损或缺失过程中的护理配合要点。

    Objective : To discuss the main point of the application of four-handed dentistry used in magnetic over-denture for the defect or miss of the denture in department of stomatology .

  24. 目的:牙周炎是人类最普遍的口腔疾病之一,它不仅是牙列缺损乃至缺失的主要原因,也是某些全身疾病如糖尿病、心血管疾病、妊娠并发症的危险因素。

    Objective : Periodontal disease is the oldest and most widespread human diseases , it is not only one of the reasons of teeth column defect , also the risk factors of some systemic diseases such as diabetes mellitus , cardiovascular disease and pregnancy complications .

  25. 键槽缓压式附着体在牙列双侧游离端缺失应用效果评价牙列末端游离缺失采用套筒冠义齿修复的临床研究

    Keyway Attachments Relieve Pressure in the Dentition with Bilateral Free-end Effect Loss Prosthetic Effect of Telescopic Dentures on Distal-extended Tooth Missing

  26. 结果牙列缺损和牙列缺失患者修复前HAMA、HRSD的测定结果高于常模。

    Results The scores of HAMA and HRSD are higher in edentulous patients than national norms .

  27. 糖尿病患者牙周炎牙列缺损和牙列缺失的情况调查

    A survey of periodontitis , dentition defect and edentulous status in aged patients with diabetes Mellitus

  28. 目的:了解分析卫辉市部分老年糖尿病患者牙周炎、牙列缺损和牙列缺失情况。

    Objective : To evaluate the periodontitis , dentition defect and edentulous jaw status of old patients with Diabetes Mellitus in Weihui .

  29. 随着口腔种植技术的日益成熟,种植义齿已成为牙列缺损和牙列缺失的常规治疗方法之一。

    With the development of oral planting implant technology , implant restoration has become one of conventional method to repair teeth missing .

  30. 结论上颌骨结构不随牙列缺损、牙列缺失及垂直距离的改变发生变化。

    Conclusions ① The structure of the upper jaw does not change with the variations of dentition defect , dentition loss or vertical dimensions .