
  • 网络Tooth loss;hypodontia;oligodontia
  1. 牙缺失与胃非贲门腺癌的风险性增加相关:芬兰吸烟人群的一项队列研究

    Tooth loss is associated with increased risk of gastric non-cardia adenocarcinoma in a cohort of Finnish smokers

  2. 结论:正畸治疗是某些牙缺失患者修复前治疗中不可缺少的手段。

    Conclusion : Orthodontic treatment plays an indispensable role in some patients with tooth loss before prosthetic management .

  3. Dialog~ROcclusion硬质树脂黏接桥制作及对单个牙缺失的固定修复

    Design and manufacture of Dialog ~ R Occlusion solid composite resin adhering bridge for repairing single tooth missing

  4. Super-bond加金属舌面背板修复下前牙缺失的临床观察

    Clinical application of Super-bond combined with metal lingual backing for restoration of mandibular anterior dentition defects

  5. 对38例牙缺失伴局部骨量不足的患者,在牙种植体植入同期,分别采用羟基磷灰石HA、HA加自体骨、脱钙骨和自体骨移植,增加种植床的三维骨量。

    Endosseous implants with simultaneous bone grafts were used in 38 locally edentulous patients with the alveolar process inadequacy . The grafting materials consisted of hydroxylapatite ( HA ) granulose , HA granulose mixed with autologous bone , demineralized bone and autologous bone .

  6. 方法:选择14例前牙缺失患者,设计PFMRPD,在金属支架上同时铸造金属内核并涂瓷熔附形成人工牙;

    Methods : PFMRPD with the artificial teeth manufactured by fusing porcelain to metal core was applied for14 patients ;

  7. 金属带树脂复合体修复前牙缺失

    Repair of anterior tooth deficiency with metal strip and compound resin

  8. 羟基磷灰石涂层种植体修复上颌单个前牙缺失的临床应用研究

    Clinical evaluation of hydroxyapatite - coated implant in the premaxilla

  9. 部分牙缺失种植即刻功能负荷的临床探讨

    Clinical Evaluation of Immediate Implant Function Loading in the Partial Edentulous Jaws

  10. 牙齿变化主要表现为牙根吸收、牙缺失和牙松动。

    Root resorption , teeth loss and teeth mobility are the mainly changes .

  11. 前牙缺失早期加载种植修复

    Early loading of CDIC implant for anterior tooth restoration

  12. 单个前牙缺失的牙种植体修复

    The Special Considerations for Single-Tooth Implant in Anterior Teeth

  13. 老年人牙缺失种植义齿修复的临床特点

    A study on clinical characters of implant-supported denture in elderly patients with dentition defect

  14. 目的:探索一种较理想地修复单个前牙缺失的方法。

    Objective : To explore an ideal method to restore single front missing tooth .

  15. 成人上前牙缺失伴有前牙深覆牙合是一种难治的口腔疾病。

    Upper teeth loss in combination with severe overbiting is a recurrent disease of stomatology .

  16. 隐形义齿修复前牙缺失142例效果观察

    Observing the clinical effect of absent front tooth by using flexible denture in 142 cases

  17. 牙缺失时,骨质吸收牙槽突降低。

    The bone absorbing and the alveolar ridge descending was followed by the missing tooth .

  18. 前牙缺失中种植基桩数目对种植固定桥适合性影响的实验研究

    Experiment Study on Fit of Anterior Osseointegrated Implant Frameworks Related to the Number of Fixture Abutments

  19. 弹性材料修复前牙缺失的临床探讨

    Clinical survey of the curative effect of applying flexible materials to the repair of tooth deficiency

  20. 铸造支架与弹性树脂结合修复多数牙缺失的临床美学效果

    The clinical aesthetic effect of elastic resin and casting framework compound denture for most tooth missing

  21. 目的寻找无金属冠复合树脂修复前牙缺失,增加实用性和审美观。

    Objective To explore the repair of anterior tooth deficiency with nonmetal crown and compound resin .

  22. 早期加载种植修复前牙缺失临床应用研究

    Research and clinical application of early anterior tooth restoration supported by combination of implant and tooth

  23. Ⅱ型卡环活动义齿修复前牙缺失106例临床体会

    Clinical understanding of movable denture in anterior defect and repair by ⅱ clasp in 106 patients

  24. 目的:种植义齿作为现代口腔牙缺失的一种先进的修复方式,为患者提供了全新的治疗体验。

    Objective : As a modern prosthodontics way , Implant Denture provides patients with anew treatment experience .

  25. 目的评估弹性义齿在单个前牙缺失临时修复中的应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate the value of valplast dentures in the temporary restoration of single missing anterior tooth .

  26. 目的分析老年人牙缺失种植义齿修复的临床特点和效果。

    Objective To study the clinical characters and effect of implant-supported denture in aged patients with dentition defect .

  27. 目的:对部分牙缺失种植即刻功能负荷进行临床探讨。

    Abjective : To evaluate the clinical results of immediate implant function loading in the partial edentulous jaws .

  28. 上海市1579名中老年人牙缺失与义齿修复情况调查

    The sampling survey of teeth defect and denture restoration among 1579 middle aged and elder people in Shanghai

  29. 本文对修复正畸联合治疗前牙缺失进行了一些临床探讨,达到了较好的疗效。

    Conclusion Combination of orthodontics with restoration is a good idea for the patients with loss of anterior teeth .

  30. 目的:探讨成年人个别前牙缺失伴前牙反牙合患者修复前正畸的相关问题和疗效。

    Objective : To study curative effect of the orthodontic treatment of adults ' single anterior-teeth-loss accompanied with anterior-crossbite before restoration .