
A former employee of the Wylie Agency said assistant literary agents there - usually eight to 10 in the New York office - typically earned in the $ 30000s and routinely worked 50 to 60 hours a week without overtime pay .
The Organic Certification Confirming of Mexico Second is the copyright agency .
In the intermediary stratification plane , establishes one batch of specialized the copyright proxy organization .
Actively develop copyright agent ;
It mainly elaborates the main service , the service flow and the present situation of the copyright agency .
Copyright agency is in the ascendant , there are lots of problems in it and need to be improved .
Finnish broadcasters at the same time are in talks with copyright organisations on future copyright fees , holding back programmes .
Agent market of book copyright ( AMBC ) has always been considered as a necessary part of publication market , and the prosperity of copyright trade is also closely related to it .
It also proposes the factors of influencing the copyright trade by analysis of the problems which are : economical level and industrial scale , books commercial operation pattern , cultural context difference , copyright proxy and specialized talented person .
The national copyright and culture administration departments may become the agent institutions on behalf of folklore original groups to exercise and manage the special copyright .