
  • 网络Ailian;Eileen;Eleonora;ELLEN;Saint Irene
  1. 爱莲文化的场所表达与避灾功能的结合&九江南山广场设计

    Integration of the " Adoring-lotus " Culture Expression of the Site and the Catastrophe Preventing Function : Design of the Nanshan Square in Jiujiang City

  2. 《醉翁亭记》、《岳阳楼记》、《爱莲说》广为传诵,既是旅游休闲名篇,又是历史文化的美味佳肴。

    " Account of Inebriate Pavilion "," Account of Yueyang Building " and " A Tale of Lotus Lover " were widely read as masterpieces for tourism and leisure , and for history and culture .

  3. 然随着时光的流逝,也因为《爱莲说》的魅力与影响,该文的创作地居然说法颇多,其实撰于赣州无疑。

    With the passage of time and also because of the charm and influence of the work , many sayings about the birthplace of the work emerged but there is no doubt that the work was created in Ganzhou .