
  • 网络season of love;Time of the Season
  1. ‘爱的季节从未光临他的心间’

    " The season of love was never to be his "

  2. 旧的一年就要过去,新的一年即将来临,这是爱的季节,是享受快乐的季节,也是给予和关爱的季节。

    An old year is end and a new year is coming . It 's the season of love and joy , and the time of giving and caring .

  3. 在他们搬运箱子、打闹逗乐的过程中,配乐是僵尸合唱团(TheZombies)欢快的歌曲《爱的季节》(TimeoftheSeason),气氛非常欢乐。

    The peppy Zombies song ' Time of the Season ' plays as they haul boxes and joke around . It 's fun .

  4. 描述你最爱的季节。

    Give a good description of your favorite season .

  5. 我深爱的季节呼唤我。

    My beloved season call me .

  6. 这个没啥,但自己最爱的季节过去了也没必要感到恼火。

    But there is no need to get irritated whenever your favorite season has been replaced by another one .

  7. 总之,春天我可以做许多事情,所以春天是我最爱的季节。

    All in all , I can do so many things in spring , so spring is my favorite season .

  8. 我爱秋天,最好的季节

    I love the autumn , the best season