
  • 网络Aspects of Love
  1. 本文剖析王尔德作品中对理想化的爱的观点。

    My thesis is about Oscar Wildes subversion of the system of Victorian morality .

  2. 然而,这两个我所爱的观点不同的爸爸却迫使我对每一个有分歧的问题进行思考,并最终形成自己的想法。

    Instead , having two dads whom I loved forced me to think and ultimately choose a way of thinking for myself .

  3. 艾丽丝?默多克在小说中论述了对善与恶,以及对爱的观点,指出人类追求的最终目标是善,但求善之路漫长而曲折。

    In the novel , Iris Murdoch demonstrates the ideas of good and evil , and her understanding of love , and points out that the goodness is the ultimate goal which human beings are pursuing although the pursuing process is long and rough .

  4. 他们是你们的教友,来到这参观一阵子,并与你们分享爱与智慧的观点。

    They are your brethren , come to visit for a while , that they may share in the vision of your love and wisdom .

  5. 最近一份关于新加坡学术自由的报告的作者谢里安·乔治说,耶鲁-新加坡国立大学的学生比其他大学的学生更爱表达自己的政治观点,组织性也更强。

    Yale-NUS students were more likely to express their political views and were better organised than their peers at other universities , says Cherian George , the author of a recent report on academic freedom in Singapore .