
suì rén shì
  • legendary ruler said to be the first to discover fire;a legendary ruler of antiquity
燧人氏 [suì rén shì]
  • [Suirenshi] 中国古代传说钻木取火的发明者,教人熟食

  • 有圣人作,钻燧取火以化腥臊,而民说之,使王天下,号之曰燧人氏。--《韩非子.五蠹》

  1. 此时此刻的荒野宛如燧人氏未生以前的世界。

    By then the barren plain resembled the world before the birth of Sui-jen Shih .

  2. 伏羲氏、燧人氏的社会跟现代的社会是完完全全不同的规模。结构不同,政府需要做的事也不同。

    The society of Fuxi Shi and Shuiren Shi are totally different from modern society in scale , structure and function .

  3. 祝融是神话传说中的火神,自燧人氏发明取火以后,即由祝融保存火种。

    Vulcan is the mythological god of fire , making fire from Suiren invented later , kept the fire from the Vulcan .

  4. 因此,我们不能勉强地拿燧人氏的政策来执行,因为我们知道,假如那样做的话,将会天下大乱。

    Therefore , we shouldn 't manage to carry out Shuiren Shi 's policy in our society because we know that if it is done , country will go into disorder .