
  • 网络photo EFFECT
  1. 苹果对最新款的iphone手机尚未证实其规格、详细信息或价格,但互联网上谣言一直在超速,喷出的照片效果图和传说的iphone5工程样品图以及在其技术规范上无休止的推测。

    Apple has not confirmed the specifications , details or price of the latest iPhone , but the Internet rumor mill has been in overdrive , churning out photo renderings and pictures of purported iPhone 5 engineering samples and speculating endlessly on its technical specifications and functions .

  2. 如果照片效果不错,请放大这张照片。

    If the photos turn out well please enlarge this picture .

  3. 又及:在麦县拍的那组照片效果很好。

    P.S. , The photo project in Madison County turned out fine .

  4. 光束的颜色质量越好,最后的照片效果就越有意思。

    The better the lighting , the more interesting is the final photograph .

  5. 我想,用大光圈拍的照片效果会好些。

    I thought I would get a better picture using a larger aperture .

  6. 如果你的照片效果很暗,你应该稍微调亮一点。

    If your image is quite dark you will need to have to lighten it a little .

  7. 如果照片效果不佳,即使最好的房产也不能吸引买主。

    Even the loveliest house won 't bring buyers out if the photos in the listing are lacking .

  8. 我的那些因为不满意冲洗照片效果的烦恼日子从此结束了。

    It ended my everlasting frustration with unsatisfactory development and print work of photo laboratories during the analog days .

  9. 你的眼睛充满笑意的时候,照片看上去效果会更好。

    For example : Your picture will look so much better when you smize .

  10. 我拍的照片大部分效果都很差。

    Most of the pictures I took weren 't any good .

  11. 照片的效果超乎她的想象。

    The pictures turned out beyond any of her expectations .

  12. 使用笔刷,给照片添加效果,打造一个时尚效果。

    Apply effects to photos and create a contemporary pattern using a brush .

  13. 照片的效果实在抱歉。这张照片仅仅是一张快照,但是它充分地说明了问题。

    I apologize for the quality , it 's just a snapshot but it speaks volumes .

  14. 用客观法对胸片观察内容有代表性的3个点实施密度计测量,验证主观法评价照片质量效果。

    At the same tine 3 regions were selected from observation contents of photograph , measuring with the densimeter . And the objective method was used to test and verify the effect of evaluation with the subjective method .

  15. 宏碁笔记本电脑采用的是一种略老的3D模式“微小偏振显示”。这种技术结合软件、电脑屏幕上的一层膜和3D眼镜,令视频和照片呈现立体效果。

    The Acer Aspire laptop applies a slightly older 3D method known as micro-polarized display , often referred to as ' micropol . ' It combines software , a film layer on the computer screen and 3D glasses to make videos and photos pop out .

  16. 我们旅行的照片冲洗的效果不好。

    The photos from our trip didn 't come out .

  17. 另一个实验则比较了在分别使用笑脸符号、微笑及中性照片后的效果。

    Another experiment compared the use of a smiley to a smiling or neutral photograph .

  18. 说起自拍,诸多因素都会直接影响到照片的最终效果,比如正确运用光线、找准拍摄角度、捕捉绝佳的拍摄背景,以及之后对照片相应的处理。

    When it comes to taking selfies , knowing the right way to utilize the light , finding the best angle , capturing an outstanding background , and proper editing can directly affect the quality of your final product .

  19. 但我怀疑这在很大程度上取决于你是否愿意接受单镜头相机,这在拍摄那些具有模糊背景和锐化前景的单反式照片时,效果不是那么好。

    But I suspect it will largely come down to whether you can live with a single-lens camera , which doesn 't do as good a job taking those D.S.L.R. - like photos with a blurred-out background and a sharpened foreground .

  20. 注意到这张照片里的梦幻效果了吗?

    Can you see the dreamy effect on this one ?

  21. 使用数码相机时,通过照片显示面板观察效果。

    With a digital camera , use the picture display panel to review the results .

  22. 但是当照片上呈现的效果慢慢进步后,阿曼达看起来更高兴、健康也更自信了。这些照片的浏览量达到了惊人的300万。

    But as the images - which garnered a staggering 3million views - progress in time , Amanda is seen looking happier , healthier and much more self-assured .

  23. 宣传材料中有缠着头巾的男人照片,但这些照片效果不好。

    The promotional material depicted turbaned men , but the photos were not well received .

  24. 控制拍摄照片的过程,并可动态观看照片效果的改进。

    Take control of your picture-taking and watch your pictures dramatically improve .

  25. 第一次使用调色液时可以使用一张相同的照片放入预备调色盘中和调色的照片对比调色效果。

    When first using Selenium toner have an identical print as a reference in the holding tray of plain water .

  26. 不过更令人惊奇的是,看爱人的照片也能同样有效地缓解疼痛。握着男朋友的手或是看着男朋友的照片,效果都远胜于陌生人的镇痛作用。

    But surprisingly , the photograph of their romantic partner provided equally effective pain relief , and both cases were far greater than when a stranger was involved .