
  • 网络the third law of thermodynamics
  1. 理想气体与热力学第三定律不相容

    The ideal gas and the third law of thermodynamics are incompatible

  2. 关于热力学第三定律的能斯特思考

    Nernst 's thinking on the third law of thermodynamics

  3. 热力学第三定律的证明和统计解释

    On Simple Proof of the Third Law of Thermodynamics

  4. 热力学第三定律的统计物理基础

    Statistical physics basis of the third law of thermodynamics

  5. 范德瓦耳斯气体与热力学第三定律不相容

    Incompatible as the van der Waals gas and the third law of thermodynamics

  6. 满足热力学第三定律的修正的黑洞的熵公式

    A new entropy of black hole in accordance with the third law of thermodynamics

  7. 量子论与热力学第三定律的发展

    The Relation Between Quantum Theory and the Development of the Third Law of Thermodynamics

  8. 热力学第三定律的能斯特-西蒙定则

    Nernst-Simon statement of the third law of thermodynamics

  9. 热力学第三定律的一种表述

    A description of the third law of thermodynamics

  10. 最后,讨论了黑洞的热力学第三定律。

    Lastly , the third law of thermodynamics of black-hole has been completely discussed .

  11. 关于热力学第三定律的讨论

    Discussion on the third LAN of thermodynamics

  12. 反之,裸奇性的出现必破坏黑洞热力学第三定律。

    Conversely , the naked singularity appearing must destroy the third law of thermodynamics of black hole .

  13. 唯一的问题是,根据热力学第三定律,温度不可能低于零下459华氏度。

    The only snag is the Third Law of Thermodynamics , which says it 's impossible to go below-459 F.

  14. 由此推断宇宙监督假设就是黑洞热力学第三定律。

    Form here we infer that the cosmic censorship hypothesis is just the third law of thermodynamics of black hole .

  15. 介绍了证明热力学第三定律的一种简单方法并给出了其统计解释。

    A simple method is introduced to prove the third law of thermodynamics and the statistical exposition has been given for it .

  16. 热力学第三定律的正确性早已经被实验所论证,许多学者对热力学第三定律的证明也运用了相应的论证方法。

    The third law of thermodynamics has already been demonstrated to be true by experiment and many scholars ' relative demonstrative ways .

  17. 指出范德瓦耳斯气体与经典理想气体一样,也与热力学第三定律不相容。

    It is pointed out that the van der Waals gas is also incompatible with the third law of thermodynamics as the classical ideal gas .

  18. 热力学第三定律的一个更重要的推论是,与内能和自由焓不同,我们可以给上定义一个绝对的数值。

    And the bigger lesson from that is that entropy , unlike energy u or enthalpy H , we could define an absolutely number for it .

  19. 对零点剩余炳的存在提出了一种新解释,指出零点剩余熵的存在和熵冻结实际上是等价的,比热测量的结果并不违背热力学第三定律。

    It is shown that the existence of the residual entropy and the entropy-freezing are in fact equal and that the third law of thermodynamics is still valid in glass systems .

  20. 在讨论热力学第三定律的时候,我们讨论过压强变化,即对于纯净的完美晶体,随着温度下降到绝对零度熵也变成零。

    We looked at pressure change before , actually , in discussing the third law , the fact that the entropy goes to zero as the absolute temperature goes to zero for a pure , perfect crystal .

  21. 指出了钟速同步与热力学第零定律的关系,以及奇性定理与热力学第三定律的关系。

    The relation between the synchronization of clock rate and the zeroth law of thermodynamics , and the relation between the singularity theorem and the third law of thermodynamics are pointed out .