- 网络thermodynamic variable

The Differential Relationships of Thermodynamic Variables for the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances
The physics significations of every part of the free energy expansion are illuminated .
The problems of quantitative units in variables of chemical thermodynamic functions
A study of the relation between characteristic thermodynamic variable and independent variable of one phase equilibrium system
Based on the defining independent variable of the state in the equilibrium system , this paper discusses the relation between characteristic thermodynamic variable and independent variable of the one phase equilibrium system .
On the basis of expounding the theory of the thermal inner variables , the constitutive equation of fatigue damage , and the coupling damage theory of the homogeneous isotropic materials , the author set up the theory model of constitutive equation of non-linear damage and so on .
Secondly , a new isotropic damage constitutive model is established according to internal variable theory of irreversible thermodynamics .
A one-dimensional , finite strain , viscoelastic constitutive model is proposed according to the nonequilibrium thermodynamics and its internal variable theory .
Based on the irreversible thermodynamics and the internal variable theroy , a generalized viscoelastic constitutive law has been derived for the matrix of composite soild propellant with distinct viscoelasticity .
Based on the irreversible thermodynamics and the internal variable theory , the elastoplastic model for isotro-pic damage and mixed hardening ( isotropic hardening mixed with kinematic hardening ) is considered .
Based on thermodynamics laws , inner-variable theory and analysis of conventional tn-axial tests data and breakage characteristics of loess , this paper proposed that the loess would produce elastic , plastic and nonreversible damage deformation during loading .
According to the thermodynamics of continuous medium , the dissipation inequation of crack healing is derived from the second law of thermodynamics . An inner variable H is defined which describes the process of crack healing .