
  • 网络Sinter brick;fired brick;baked brick;clinker brick
  1. 对比煤矸石有害元素的含量,烧结砖中Cl、Hg、Se等元素以气体形式释放至环境,其余大部分元素的含量均变化不大。

    Comparing with the coal gangue , the content of most harmful elements in the fired brick had few changes , and some elements such as Cl , Hg and Se released to the environment as gas .

  2. 大型粉煤灰烧结砖生产线的设计优化

    Process design of large-scale fly ash fired brick production line

  3. 煤矸石烧结砖隧道窑出车PLC自动控制系统设计

    Design of PLC automatic control system for waste coal sintered brick tunnel kiln cars

  4. 利用XRD、SEM等测试手段,研究了不同保温时间对各种掺量的粉煤灰烧结砖的显微结构及性能的影响。

    The effect of sintering time on the microstructure and properties of various flyash content fired brick was studied by XRD , SEM and so on .

  5. 通过XRD、TG-DTA、SEM及材料的物理力学性能等试验,较系统地研究了高掺量粉煤灰烧结砖煅烧过程。

    The firing process for fly ash sintered brick with high additives has been systematically studied through tests of XRD , TG-DTA , SEM and physical mechanical properties for material .

  6. 同时,生产高掺量粉煤灰烧结砖比生产黏土砖减小排放CO2和SO2,具有显著的环境效益。

    In addition , the production of fly ash sintered bricks can reduce the emission of CO2 and SO2 than the production of clay bricks , so it also has prominent environment effects .

  7. AZS烧结砖的研制

    Development or AZS sintered brick

  8. 结果表明,在1050℃下烧成,粉煤灰掺量为50%保温5h的烧结砖性能最佳,而在同样温度下烧成,粉煤灰掺量为80%的烧结砖的最佳保温时间为8h。

    The result show that the brick fired at 1050 ℃ can obtain the optimum properties , the sintering time is 5h with 50 % flyash content by weight , and that is 8h with 80 % flyash content by weight .

  9. 试验结果表明:用粉煤灰、赤泥生产的烧结砖达到了MU10级砖的标准。

    The results show that the property of the sintered brick with fly ash and red mud has come up to the standard of MU10 brick .

  10. 制得的烧结砖能满足国家标准《烧结普通砖》(GB5101-2003)的相关要求,并且能从一定程度上提高砖体的隔热保温性能。

    The brick can be obtained to meet the national standard , " Bricks " ( GB5101-2003 ) of the relevant requirements , and to some extent it also improved the capability of heatproof .

  11. 利用赤泥制备了抗压强度达到国家烧结砖标准中MU30级要求的烧结砖,并研究了粘土掺量对赤泥烧结砖性能的影响。

    The effect of clay additive on the performance of fired red mud brick , which satisfies the demands of MU30 in the national standard of fired brick , is researched in this report .

  12. 高掺量粉煤灰压制烧结砖中间试验

    Intermediate Production of Fired Pressed Brick with High Proportion Flyash Additive

  13. 陡河电厂粉煤灰烧结砖生产工艺

    Producing process of sintered brick with coal - fired fly ash

  14. 粉煤灰、赤泥烧结砖的研制

    The Development of Sintered Brick of Fly Ash & Red Mud

  15. 赤泥烧结砖性能影响因素的研究

    The factors for affecting the performance of fired red mud brick

  16. 粉煤灰在烧结砖中应用的思考及建议

    Ponderation over Application of Fly Ash in Sintered Brick and Suggestions

  17. 高掺量粉煤灰烧结砖的最佳配比

    The optimum proportion scheme of high additive pulverized coal ash sintered bricks

  18. 关于高掺量粉煤杰烧结砖生产实践的讨论

    Discussion on Practical Production of High-Volume Fly Ash Sintered brick

  19. 温度制度对高性能石英砂烧结砖的性能影响研究

    Influence of Temperature System on Behaviors of High-performance Quartz Sand Sintering Brick

  20. 利用粉煤灰和沙漠石英砂制备烧结砖的研究

    Research on producing sintered brick from fly ash and desert quartz sand

  21. 包头地区粉煤灰-粘土烧结砖的试验研究

    Experimental study of fly ash and earth burning bricks of Baotou region

  22. 发展煤矸石烧结砖存在的问题及经验教训

    The development of coal gangue sintered brick problems and experiences

  23. 利用红砂岩和粉煤灰制备烧结砖的研究

    Research on Preparation of Sintering Brick from Red Sandstone and Fly Ash

  24. 高钛型高炉水淬渣烧结砖的研制

    Research on the high-titanium granulated blast furnace slag fired brick

  25. 硼泥基烧结砖工艺实验研究

    Research on Experiment of Firing Craft for Boron Sediment Brick

  26. 提高粉煤灰非烧结砖强度的研究

    S Study on improving the strength of unfired flyash brick

  27. 粉煤灰、赤泥、页岩烧结砖的研究

    Experimental Study on Fly-ash , Red-mud , Shale Fired Bricks

  28. 利用锌尾矿渣生产非烧结砖的探索

    Exploring for the producing of non-fired bricks by zinc slag

  29. 粉煤灰烧结砖原料处理与烧结反应机理的研究

    Research of mechanism on sintered bricks made from high volume fly ash

  30. 高钙质工业废料用于烧结砖的试验研究(二)

    Research on utilizing high-calcium industrial wastes in fired brick ( Part 2 )