
  • 网络Barbecue sauce;BBQ Sauce
  1. 好的,我想要一客烧烤汁牛排。

    Yes , I 'll have a steak with barbecue sauce .

  2. (它把烧烤的辣酱汁和肉混合了起来。)

    ( It has spicy barbecue sauce mixed with the meat . )

  3. 时下,在有“韩国街”之称的上海虹泉路边,韩式烧烤店和柠檬汁铺已经成了急于尝试正宗韩式美食的中国女人们的新宠。

    Barbecue houses and lemonade booths along Hongquan Road in Shanghai 's Korean area have become new favorites for Chinese women hungry for a genuine taste of Korea .