
  • 网络Point line surface;point and line to plane
  1. 增量式构建PLM系统的点线面模型

    A Point - Line - Surface Model for Developing PLM Systems with an Incremental Approach

  2. 分析了点线面的投影特点:在V、H、W投影中至少有一个是类似或实形(长)投影。

    From the projection characteristics of the point line plane , we can conclude : Their projection has at least a similar or solid form ( long ) projection .

  3. 在解析PLM基础架构的基础上,提出了增量式构建PLM平台的点线面模型。

    On basis of analysis for PLM basic architecture , a Point - Line - Surface model for establishing PLM systems incrementally was proposed .

  4. 论文主要研究内容与成果概括如下:1.设计了遵循点线面过程的NURBS曲面插值拟合算法,并对其中的关键技术进行了研究。

    The main research contents and results are summarized as follows : 1 . Designs an interpolation algorithm to fitting NURBS surface which follows the process of " point-line-surface ", and researches the key technologies .

  5. 第四章以长虹、TCL为案例,按点线面的顺序,从历史与逻辑的角度出发,以理论联系实际的精神,具体说明低成本领先战略的实施方式。

    Then , in the third chapter , from the historical and logical perspective , it illustrates the ways of implementing the strategy concretely by the cases of Changhong , TCL successively .

  6. 点线面发展的教学思路;

    Teaching method of proceeding from one point to the whole area ;

  7. 产品创新知识的点线面结构及组织作用

    The Point-Line-Surface Structure of Product Innovation Knowledge and its Actions on Organization

  8. 点线面动态构成&研究工业设计史的科学方法

    Systemizing the Evolution of Industrial Designing in the Approach of Dynamic Structure

  9. 点线面状地图符号定义的简化与统一

    The simplify and unify of point , line and area Map symbol definition

  10. 辅助点线面用于定位特征。

    Auxiliary point , line and plane are used as the datum of features .

  11. 点线面的两面投影包含其空间完整的几何信息。

    D projection of points , lines and planes includes their all space geometrical information .

  12. 地理教学中的点线面三要素

    Three Key Elements in Geography Teaching : Knowledge Points , Knowledge lines and Knowledge Surfaces

  13. 论长江三角洲经济区的点线面扩展战略

    Three Propositions for the Strategic Development of the Economic Zone of the Changjiang River Delta

  14. 如何做到内部会计控制点线面的结合与协同,等等。

    How do we cooperate with drop , line , side of internal accounting control ?

  15. 两岸体育交流的点线面,可以更加开放。

    Every aspect for intercourse of physical education for both side 's could open more .

  16. 社会实践教学中的点线面结合

    The Combination of " Point "," Line " and " Face " in Social Practical Teaching

  17. 最后,文章阐释了吴冠中绘画点线面的价值及其给予我们的启示。

    Finally , we discuss the value and enlightenment of his points , lines and surfaces to us .

  18. 根据正投影的机理,建立了点线面屏幕坐标与空间关系的转换关系。

    According to mechanism of orthographic projection , this paper has set up the converted relation between screen coordinate and space coordinate .

  19. 道路空间中连续最近邻居查询方法的研究基于约束三角网探测点线面空间邻近关系研究

    Researches on Continuous Nearest Neighbors Query in Road Networks ; An Intelligent Method of Detecting Multi-factors Neighborhood Relation Based On Constrained Delaunay Triangulation

  20. 这就是音乐家们综合运用点线面绘制出的极具构成感的艺术作品。

    This is the very sense of composition works of art that mapped out by the musicians who used point and line and plane .

  21. 点线面:对主体物的细腻处理及对背景的放松处理,表现出创作的节奏性。

    Point , line and plane : the delicate handling of the subject matter and the background of the relaxation process , showing the creation of rhythmic .

  22. 他对点线面进行提炼、升华并构成画面,形成了独特的形式感、现代感。

    He refines points , lines , and surfaces in paintings , sublimates them and composes them to the painting , forming a unique sense of form and modern .

  23. 本文通过对我国农业现代化现状和问题的分析,提出了发展农业循环经济点线面体的道路选择。

    Analysing the present situation and the problems of our agriculture modernization , this article will propose the choice of developing agriculture circulation economy with the path of " point-line-surface-body " .

  24. 教学指导思想与具体实践结合,做到点线面三方位一体式教学的完整和深入,还需要着手加强教师队伍的综合知识性调整。

    Combining the teaching philosophy with everyday practice and furthering and perfecting the integrated teaching in dot , line and plane need a readjustment of the comprehensive knowledge of the teaching faculty .

  25. 尝试提出了一种新的基于城市空间结构分析的快速路系统线网规划方法&点线面要素分析与控制点优化法。

    A new planning method-analysis of factors of point line and area and control points optimization , which is based on the analysis of urban spatial structure , is tried to put forward .

  26. 标志在整体视觉的塑造上既保持了整体的统一,又做到了局部的对比,同时做到点线面三位一体,使标志具备非常饱满、和谐、文化的视觉印象;

    On visual effect , it keeps integral unity and partial contrast , meanwhile it is also trinity of point , line and side , and it generate an visual effect of full , peaceful and cultural ;

  27. 画家们将自己的心境与情感利用不同的方式浓缩于点线面中,在长期的探索中将自己独有的表达方式与绘画有机的融合。

    Artists will take advantage of his state of mind and emotions concentrated in a different way-point line , in the long term will be to explore their own unique way of expression and painting organic integration .

  28. 他以别致的构图通过点线面的交织加以体现,以简括和半抽象的形态表现大自然音乐般律动和相应的心理感受,富有时代特征,使人耳目一新。

    Through his unique point of line and surface composition to be reflected intertwined to form nutshell and semi-abstract nature , the performance of musical rhythm and the corresponding psychological feelings , rich characteristics of the times and refreshing .

  29. 该模型采用了一系列新的表示方法,包括辅助点线面表示、工作坐标系表示、截面轮廓和轨迹表示、实体表示、特征表示、特征关系表示和零件模型表示。

    Adopted in the model are a series of new representations including auxiliary point , line and plane , work coordinate system , section profile and trajectory , solid model , features , feature relation between features and part model .

  30. 城市整体空间框架是总体阶段城市设计的核心内容,是通过点线面符号语言对城市总体空间的整体把握,它的存在有助于城市设计整体性的体现。

    The frame of the whole urban space is the core of the comprehensive urban design . It can grasp the entirety urban space integrated with " dot " " line " and " side " which are the symbol .