
  • 网络slr;laser range finder;laser distance measuring;Range Finding
  1. 所以,研制具有自主知识产权的事件计时器是一件紧迫而必要的工作,只有这样才能紧跟国际激光测距技术发展潮流。

    So to develop the event timer with our own intellectual property is an urgent and essential work to keep pace with the trend of the international SLR technology .

  2. 激光测距中单光子雪崩二极管的动态范围问题及解决办法

    Solutions and Problems of Dynamic Ranging of C-SPAD in SLR

  3. FPGA在激光测距机电路检测系统中的应用

    The Application of FPGA in Test Instrument of Laser Ranger Circuits

  4. DSP技术在激光测距仪中的应用

    The Application of DSP Technology in Laser Range Finder

  5. 工程型人眼安全CO2激光测距机

    Engineering eye safe CO 2 laser rangefinder

  6. 组合CCD图像和稀疏激光测距数据的建筑物三维信息提取

    Reconstructing 3D buildings based on airborne CCD image and laser scanning rangefinder data

  7. 一种使用GPS、罗盘和激光测距仪测定南极冰川运动的方法

    A Method of Using GPS 、 Compass and laser Scanner to Measure the Glacier Movement In Antarctic

  8. Linux的QT编程技术在卫星激光测距中的应用

    The application of QT programming technology under Linux in satellite laser ranging

  9. CPLD在自触发脉冲激光测距飞行时间测量中的应用

    Application of CPLD in time-of-flight measurement of self-triggering pulsed laser ranging

  10. 基于CPLD的脉冲激光测距飞行时间测量

    The Measurement of Flight Time for Pulsed Laser Ranging Based on CPLD

  11. 一种基于DDS技术的新型激光测距系统的设计

    A New Laser Ranging System Based on DDS Technology

  12. 它的测距能力优于国内外同类低值LD激光测距仪。

    The measurement distance ability is better than same type low cost LD LRF .

  13. GPS激光测距定位系统采集GPS数据,通过相位平滑伪距差分定位给出观测点坐标,然后结合激光测距数据和三维数字罗盘数据,通过多种算法确定目标点的三维坐标。

    GPS laser ranging and positioning system can calculate the coordinates of observation point through smoothing pseudoranges differential positioning method with GPS data .

  14. Nd∶YVO4激光测距应用的时间相干性

    Temporal Coherence of Nd ∶ YVO 4 Laser Used in Ranging System

  15. 低值LD激光测距望远镜

    Low-cost LD laser rangefinder telescope

  16. 基于EKF的DR/激光测距组合导航算法研究

    Study on DR / Laser Rangefinder Integrated Navigation Algorithm Based on EKF

  17. 然后分析了正交约束条件对测距误差的影响,并建立了双CCD激光测距实验系统。

    Second , an effect of orthogonal constraint condition on the tolerance of laser range is analyzed . And a 2-CCD experiment system is established .

  18. 数字TDC技术在相位式激光测距中的应用研究

    Application study on digital TDC in phase shift laser rangefinder

  19. 针对激光测距系统中脉冲信号的特点,设计了基于FPGA的COMPACTFLASH卡数据存储接口。

    According to the characteristic of the pulse signals in laser diastimeter , the data storage interface of compact flash card based on FPGA is designed to collect data .

  20. SPAD的时间响应特性及其在激光测距中的应用

    The Time Response Properties of Single Photon Avalanche Diode and Its Application to Laser Ranging

  21. 射击精度获得是采用一套简单的使用红外夜视和激光测距仪输入的FCS光点火控系统。

    Fire accuracy is attained by a primitive FCS light spot fire control system with IR night vision and laser rangefinder input .

  22. 同时,针对GPS的缺陷性,为了解决GPS无法测量部分地籍碎部点这一问题,提出了GPS与全站仪、GPS与CCD相机、GPS与手持式激光测距仪集成等测量技术措施。

    In order to make up the shortcomings of GPS , some integrating measures such as GPS + Total Position Station , GPS + CCD , GPS + Portable Laser Distance Measuring Instrument and etc are given .

  23. 针对采用PSD研制的激光测距传感器在检测及控制电路的设计中所存在的关键问题进行了分析,并给出了电路的设计框图。

    This paper analyzes the key problems in designing signal measuring and control circuit of laser range sensor using PSD , and gives out the circuits ' diagrams .

  24. 从激光测距机的噪声构成分析入手,寻求提高脉冲LD测距机测距能力的方法。

    Based on the analysis of the noise characteristics of a pulse LD rangefinder , a method for improving the ranging capability of a pulse LD range system is proposed .

  25. LAGEOS激光测距获得的基线长度

    The baselines obtained from laser ranging to satellite LAGEOS

  26. 目前上海天文台卫星激光测距站单次测距精度已达到10~12mm。

    Up to now the single-shot ranging accuracy at Shanghai Observatory reached 10 ~ 12mm .

  27. 通过借助激光测距仪、CCD摄像机外部传感器信息,在将观测数据与环境模型相匹配后,利用EKF对位姿估计进行更新。

    Matching the extracted feature , obtained from external sensors such as laser range finder and CCD camera , with environment model . And then update the pose estimation with EKF algorithm .

  28. 主要成果是:[1]研制了一套采用激光测距仪和彩色线性CCD相机同步获取目标表面三维信息、反射率信息和彩色RGB信息的三维扫描系统;

    The main achievements are : [ 1 ] Developing a 3-D scanner combining a laser range finder with color linear CCD camera for getting the 3-D coordinates , reflectance and color information synchronously .

  29. 对LiDAR测距误差进行了详细的分析,设计了一种简单可行的对激光测距误差的测定方法,并对误差结果进行总结分析讨论。

    LiDAR ranging error is analyzed in detail , a simple and feasible method for the determination of the laser ranging error is designed , and the error results are summarized and discussed .

  30. 采用2-D扫描的激光测距传感器与精密转动云台设计并实现了非结构化环境下的移动机器人感知系统,通过传感器平台俯仰与水平的转动实现了3-D环境感知。

    A 3-D perceptual system is designed and implemented for a mobile robot under unstructured environment . The system is based on a 2-D laser rangefinder mounted on a high precision platform with two freedom of horizontal and pitch rotation .