
jī dòng
  • excite;stir;agitate;sensation;move;surge;thrill;feeling;touched;aflame;drama;up;wig;flap;electricity
激动 [jī dòng]
  • (1) [agitate;stir;excite;move]∶由于受到刺激而感情冲动

  • 使他的心绪激动

  • (2) [surge]∶激荡

激动[jī dòng]
  1. 别激动。

    Don 't excite yourself .

  2. 劳伦斯是那种要么让人激动不已,要么让人觉得索然无味的作家。

    Lawrence is one of those writers who either excite you enormously or leave you cold .

  3. 我对有希望到国外工作着实很激动。

    I 'm really excited at the prospect of working abroad .

  4. 有望在印度待上一年使她激动万分。

    The prospect of a year in India greatly excited her .

  5. 没有像父爱般的亲昵,没有显得过于激动。

    There was no fatherly affection , no display of sentiment .

  6. 她激动地讲述了无家可归者的困境。

    She spoke with feeling about the plight of the homeless .

  7. 他们在电视上看到了警察突击搜捕的激动人心的画面。

    They watched dramatic pictures of the police raid on TV .

  8. 全家凑到一起度圣诞节,大家心里都十分激动。

    Tempers ignited when the whole family spent Christmas together .

  9. 她眼里闪耀着激动的光芒。

    There was a sparkle of excitement in her eyes .

  10. 他们等啊等啊,等待着激动人心的事情发生。

    They waited and waited for something exciting to happen .

  11. 这家新餐馆没什么值得特别激动的地方。

    The new restaurant is nothing to get excited about .

  12. 他们在接力赛中取得了激动人心的胜利。

    They raced to a thrilling victory in the relay .

  13. 冷静下来!别那么激动。

    Calm down ! Don 't get so agitated .

  14. 什么事让你这么激动?

    What are you getting so het up about ?

  15. 在这座体育场里进行过许多激动人心的足球比赛。

    This stadium has seen many thrilling football games .

  16. 他想到这就激动得满脸通红。

    He was flushed with excitement at the thought .

  17. 一群激动的人聚集在她周围。

    An excited crowd of people gathered around her .

  18. 你不禁为这充满激情的场面激动不已。

    You couldn 't help being thrilled by the drama of the situation .

  19. 他激动得直发抖。

    He was in a state of tremulous excitement .

  20. 我第一次跳伞的经历很令人激动。

    My first parachute jump was an exhilarating experience .

  21. 选举临近,大家情绪都很激动。

    Feelings ran high as the election approached .

  22. 他谈起他死去的父亲时激动不已。

    He spoke feelingly about his dead father .

  23. 她一激动把杯子摔了。

    In her excitement she dropped her glass .

  24. 她因为过于激动而忘记了要说的话。

    In the heat of the moment she forgot what she wanted to say .

  25. 别激动!难道你看不出他只是在气你吗?

    Calm down ! Can 't you see he 's only winding you up ?

  26. 她无法抑制内心的激动。

    She was unable to contain her excitement .

  27. 她相当激动地为自己的主张提出论据。

    She argued her case with considerable passion .

  28. 在场的每一个人都为这种想法感到激动。

    Everyone present was enthused by the idea .

  29. 她百感交集,激动不已。

    A blend of emotions fermented inside her .

  30. 一听到那首歌我就激动不已。

    That song just does things to me .