- undercurrent;underflow;subcurrent

(1) [underflow;undercurrent]∶地面下的水流,也指水在地下流动
(2) [subcurrent]∶比喻潜藏在内心的情感
The interannual variability of Equatorial Undercurrent in January at 137 ° e
A Event of Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent Inversion During El Ni ■ o
The Papua New Guinea Coastal Under-current can reach the southeast part of the section ( 2 ° N-2 ° S ) .
Variations of equatorial undercurrent and its relationship with ENSO cycle
Cod_ ( cr ) and nh_4-n dynamic variation characteristics in batch subsurface flow constructed wetland
It would be thought that the occurrence of Equatorial Undercurrent inversion during the 1982 / 83 El Nino is not an occasional event .
This experiment , the wave subsurface flow wetland has higher removal efficiency than horizontal subsurface flow wetland . 4 .
The western Equatorial Pacific Ocean is a key region for monitoring both the Equatorial Undercurrent variation and its relation with the El Nino event .
Research of Application of MONOD Model in Subsurface Constructed Wetland
The annual change of EUC is very obvious too , and particularly in the period of El Nino event occurs , the EUC appears obvious strengthening phenomenon .
The subsurface constructed wetland can remove phosphorus in wastewater with high efficiency , but the phosphorus removal efficiency is affected by several factors such as season , kind of grown plant , pH value , DO and hydraulic characters , etc.
Phosphorus precipitation on the bedding materials in the system of wavy subsurface flow constructed wetland ( W-SFCW ) was studied so as to analyze the relationship between bedding materials and phosphorus removal .
The microbial community and its distributing character in the constructed wetland treating polluted water and atrazine with different salinity were studied .
Subsurface flow constructed wetland system remove TSS , N , P , Pathogen , organic compound and metal by nitrify , denitrify , accumulation , degradation , complexing , adsorption , sedimentation , interception and so on .
This paper studied the removal effects of NH ~ - _4-N , NO ~ - _3-N , TN and TP by the integrated subsurface flow-upward vertical flow constructed wetland process .
Microbial community structure was conducted with the technology of PCR-DGGE . The result was analyzed with diversity index analysis and cluster analysis .
The experiment indicated that the removal rates of COD and TN in the two different subsurface wetland areas were 30 % ~ 65 % , respectively under high hydraulic loading rate ( 4m / d ) .
Current observation data by Japanese research vessels between 8 ° N and 1 ° S along the section of 137 ° E in months of January from 1968-1984 were used to examine the variability of Equatorial Undercurrent ( EUC ) in this area .
Subsurface flow type constructed wetland system used for domestic sewage treatment has average removal rate of COD and TP above 85 % and 80 % respectively , and removal rate of total nitrogen about 55 % .
A new type of constructed wetland system for sewage treatment , called wavy subsurface flow constructed wetland ( W-SFCW ), was studied and paralleled with horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland ( SFCW ) at same test conditions .
During the 1986 ~ 1987 EI Nino event , the equatorial kelvin wave current model played the main role , EUC was strengthened . During the twice EI Nino events ;
There is countercurrent or undercurrent below the NEC , KC and MC , and the latter two are known as the Luzon Undercurrent ( LUC ) and MUC .
Vertical subsurface flow constructed wetland has negative effect on reaeration , which caused a low removal rate of NH3-N ; the average removal rate was less than 10 % .
The residence time distribution in W-SFCW system experiments was studied using the reactor theory , from chemical engineering .
The removal efficiencies of TN and TP of the constructed wetlands were above 50 % for both VFW and SFW with HLR at 0.8 m ~ 3 / ( m ~ 2 · h ), which is the best option .
The error between the modeled and experimental results was between 6.8 % ~ 30.6 % , show that ecological dynamics model can better predict PAEs , PCBs effluent concentration in Canna artificial subsurface flow wetland system .
By controlling the hydraulic load in the range of 0.5cm / d ~ 15cm / d , the TP removal efficiency of outlet wastewater could reach 73 % . To certain extent the results of experiment indicated some phosphorus removal laws of subsurface wetland .
In the presence of the upwelling , the EUC meanders along the zonal direction , with its core diving down to 300m depth at the west side of the upwelling and rising up to 100m depth at the east side .
The first stage constructed wetland was subsurface flow . One cycle was 12 h , including 6 h feed and 6 h drain . After 3 days of HRT , COD Cr removal varied from 60 % to 80 % , the maximum was 88.56 % ;
Dynamic saturation line was proposed and Cyclic Batch Subsurface Wetland ( CBSW ) was invented in this paper , which achieves removal percentage of 67 % , 62 % , 53 % , 33 % individually for COD ,( NH ~ + _4-N ,) TN , TP .