
  • skating
  1. 冬奥会裁判对我国花样滑冰运动发展的重要影响

    Discussion on the Influence of Winter Olympics Referees on Chinese Figure Skating Development

  2. 高校滑冰运动损伤防护研究

    The Injury Protection for College Students in Skating Class

  3. 速度滑冰运动专项力量的生理特点与训练要求

    Physiological Characteristics and Training Requirement of Speed Skaters ' Special Strength

  4. 亚冬会对中国速度滑冰运动训练的思考

    Considerations on Speed Skating Training in China After the III Asian Winter Games

  5. 我国花样滑冰运动文献现状统计与分析

    Statistical Analysis on the Present Situation of Scientific Research of Chinese Figure Skating

  6. 速度滑冰运动负荷强度参数的初步研究

    Tentative Parameters for Calculating Workloads in Speed Skating

  7. 对花样滑冰运动后备人才培养的几点思考

    Thoughts On Reserve talents Cultivation In Figure Skating Conundrum of Figure The Right of Reserve

  8. 伟大的德国诗人歌德和拿破仑三世都非常喜欢滑冰运动。

    The great German poet Goethe and Napoleon III all loved to take to the ice .

  9. 滑冰运动初探

    Preliminary Analysis of Skating Motion

  10. 轮滑运动如同滑冰运动一样,分为速度轮滑,花样轮滑和轮滑球三种。

    Just as Skating , skidding is also classified into speed skidding , figure skidding and rollerball .

  11. 冬天湖上很多人玩冰球和滑冰运动;夏天则流行划独木舟、游泳和钓鱼。

    Hockey and skating are popular on the lakes in winter ; canoeing , swimming and fishing in the summer .

  12. 在速度滑冰运动中,如何使呼吸与运动动作相配合,是一个关系到滑行速度和速度耐力的一个重要问题。

    In speed skating sports , the coordination between breath and movement is important to the skating speed and speed endurance .

  13. 力量素质是速度滑冰运动的基础,同时也是影响运动成绩的间接因素。

    The strength of quality is the basis of speed skating movement , is also affected the movement of indirect factors .

  14. 希望能够在丰富花样滑冰运动训练理论的同时,对我国花样滑冰的发展和提高做出贡献。

    This makes figure skating training theory richer . And I want to contribute to the development of China figure skating .

  15. 这部纪录片的目的也在于记录美国花样滑冰运动的成长过程,以及这项运动如何从悲剧中再生。

    The film also aims to capture the growth of American figure skating and how the sport rose from the tragedy .

  16. 研究结果以期待能为吉林省乃至全国的速度滑冰运动后备人才,实施可持续发展培养战略起到积极作用。

    And the very study will result in vigorous role in the provincial , or national strategy of the continuous development of pace skating reserve force .

  17. 研究吉林省速度滑冰运动后备人才培养现状,对加快吉林省速滑水平的提高,具有很强的现实意义。

    Therefore , the study of reserve force for Jilin pace skating by many experts and researchers is of practical significance in quickening the development of Jilin pace skating level .

  18. 速度滑冰运动是我国开展最早、历史最久远冬季运动项目之一,是国家冬奥会竞技运动项目中的重要一员。

    Speed skating is one of the oldest winter sports that carried out first and has a long history in China as well as it is one of the important national Olympic sports projects .

  19. 而所有六个孩子都参加过花样滑冰或冰球运动。

    All six participated in figure skating or ice hockey .

  20. 滑冰是冬季运动的一种。

    Skating is one of the winter sports .

  21. 就像夏季运动会中的田径项目一样,速度滑冰是冬季运动会中的基础项目。

    As the basic event in Winter Games , speed skating is what field and track in Summer Games .

  22. 实际上滑冰这项运动需要滑冰者的自信:一只脚站立持续2秒或者3秒钟。

    Actually , gliding or pushing for the more confident skaters , standing on one , for a count of 2 or 3 seconds .

  23. 出门在外,参加滑雪、滑冰等冬季运动时,热可可最是可口。

    It 's an especially tasty drink to have when you 're hanging out in the outdoors or participating in winter sports like skating and skiing .

  24. 体育锻炼应以打太极拳、做操、散步为好,赛跑、滑冰等激烈运动是不适宜的。

    We should play shadowboxing , take exercise , or have a walk as our physical training , racing , skating and other energetic exercise is not suitable in winter .

  25. 不过滑冰作为一项运动则起源于荷兰。

    Ice-skating as a sport , however , originated in Holland .

  26. 长白山滑雪场是滑雪、滑冰爱好者的理想运动场所,因为这里有设计精良的雪道,齐全的冬季运动训练设施以及惊险壮观的自然环境。

    The ski resort is an ideal place for skiing and ice-skating because of its well-constructed ski tracks , comprehensive winter sports training facilities and breathtaking environment .