
  1. 杨珊学费要缴,她的爷爷奶奶也需要接济。这一切都需要钱。

    Shan 's school fees were due , and her grandparents also needed help .

  2. 如杨珊的父母这样的农民工,正是推动中国经济高速增长的引擎。

    Migrant workers like Shan 's parents are the mules driving the country 's stunning economic growth .

  3. 每一年,杨珊的父母个都会带着赚到的钱回到这个偏僻的乡村,一家人团聚。

    Over the years , Shan 's parents have returned to this remote village to bring money and reunite the family .

  4. 话虽这么说,但杨珊的父母依然像中国乡村成百万农民工一样,在债务和义务的驱使下外出打工。

    But Shan 's parents , strapped with debt and obligation , are among the untold millions of people in rural China caught in a brutal cycle .