
  • 网络game world;The gaming world;play world
  1. 这很有用,但是,我们还需要一些方法让我们的脚本进入游戏世界并检查那些可能引起AI行为改变的条件。

    For this to be useful , however , we need some way for our script to see into the game world and check for conditions that might alter our AI behavior .

  2. 我们也希望在这个不分国度的格斗游戏世界里,我们互相之间可以合作,共同开创美好DOAOL未来的。

    We also hope that in this regardless of the kingdom grapple game world , we can each cooperation between , work together to create the bright future of DOA OL .

  3. 在一项拟在流行的虚拟游戏世界第二人生(SecondLife)中进行的研究中,受试者将观看自己的数字化身打网球,并因为体力消耗而逐渐变得苗条起来。

    In a study using avatars , scheduled to take place at the popular gaming facility Second Life , subjects will watch a digital version of themselves playing tennis and gradually getting thinner from the exertion .

  4. Wii完成了在许多人看来是不可能的任务&吸引新的消费者进入游戏世界。

    The Wii had done what many thought was impossible & attract new consumers to gaming .

  5. FarmVille巧妙地将社交网路和游戏世界结合在一起。

    FarmVille cunningly unites the worlds of social networking and gaming .

  6. 电子竞技指的是竞争性的、有组织的电子游戏世界。

    E-Sports describes the world of competitive , organized video gaming .

  7. 我想写这真正有意思的游戏世界。

    I want to write about this really interesting world .

  8. 他们用这些不同的情感元素来划分整个游戏世界

    Then they use these emotions to dimensionalize the worlds they create .

  9. 进入游戏世界试验取得令人满意的结果。

    Get in the Game The results are satisfactory .

  10. 既然有如此巨大的游戏世界,是否有一些小气候。

    Given the huge size of the world , are there any microclimates ?

  11. 在幼儿丰富的游戏世界里,有许多情感教育的契机。

    There are many chances of the affects education in the play games .

  12. 列出所有的游戏世界的规则在您的游戏世界。

    A List of all the Game World rules in your Game World .

  13. 这是一个虚拟游戏世界的截图,来自《安特罗皮亚世界》

    This is a screenshot from the virtual game world , Entropia Universe .

  14. 因此在快速动作的游戏世界,这两种技术并不适用。

    So these two technologies are not applicable in the fast action game world .

  15. 游戏世界有多大?

    What is the surface of this world ?

  16. 并且游戏世界里有很多的人可以协作。

    And there are also tons of collaborators .

  17. 我们确实在游戏世界中收获更多的成功

    We do achieve more in game worlds .

  18. 当我们处于游戏世界时。

    And when we 're in game worlds .

  19. 这是一款多重开放(是这么说吗)游戏世界的射击类游戏。

    It is a diverse open-world shooting game .

  20. 我们是否可以传送到游戏世界中的任何地方?

    Can we warp anywhere in the world ?

  21. 引擎内核包括网络模块、游戏世界模块以及脚本接口模块。

    The engine kernel included network module , game world module and script API module .

  22. 按照历史的联系,以查看俱乐部经理历史这个游戏世界。

    Follow the history links to view club and manager history for this Game World .

  23. 信号处理器;进入游戏世界

    Signal processor ; Get in the Game

  24. 当我们处于游戏世界时

    And when we 're in game worlds

  25. 在中国的游戏世界里,建议用中文交流!

    In China 's game world , it is recommended to use the Chinese exchange !

  26. 玩家同样可以使用脚本来创建或修改他们自己的游戏世界和等级。

    Players also can use scripting to create or modify their own game worlds or levels .

  27. 我刚刚购买了游戏世界,但我不知道在哪里创建?

    I have just purchased a Game World but I don 't know where to create it ?

  28. 影片讲述的是电子游戏世界里的反派人物破坏王想要赢得同行尊重的故事。

    The film , about a videogame villain who wants to earn the respect of his peers .

  29. 我们要做的一部分就是要把那些不是发烧玩家的人带进真正的游戏世界!

    Part of what we 're trying to do is introduce people who are not really hardcore into gaming .

  30. 将莱特的创造者的市民和孢子、预测的游戏世界与现实融合。

    Will Wright , the creator of the Sims and spore , predicts a merging of game worlds with reality .