
  1. 因此,研究港城关系是十分必要的。

    Therefore , the study on port-city relation is extremely essential .

  2. 港城关系视角下的浙江港口城市崛起

    On the Rise of Port Cities in Zhejiang from the Perspective of Port-City Relationship

  3. 大连市港城关系研究

    The Study on Port-city Relationship in Dalian

  4. 港城关系的发展与上海国际航运中心建设

    On the Evolution of the Relationship between Ports and Cities and the Building of Shanghai International Shipping Center

  5. 在此基础上,把港口城市分为4类,揭示了不同的港城关系。

    On this basis , divide the port city into 4 kinds and announced different relationship between port and city .

  6. 河口港城市港城关系建设&以长三角港城南通为例

    Construction of the Relationship Between Estuary Port and City & A Case of Nantong Port-City in the Yangtze River Delta

  7. 港城关系、港城界面的复兴、港口城市发展与环境保护是世界各地港口城市面临的共同问题。

    Resolving the issues of port-city relationship , interface renovation , development and environment are the major challenges faced by port cities .

  8. 并在港城关系理论的指导下,论述了我国港城一体化建设的原则;

    Under the instruction of the theories about relation of the harbor and city , analyze the principles of Port-City 's Integral Construction .

  9. 因此对于港口城市而言,港城关系的良性发展在推动港口城市经济发展、提升区域地位方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    Therefore , for port cities , the healthy development between port and city is playing a more and more important role in pushing their economic development and enhancing their regional strategic position .

  10. 文章一方面揭示了港城关系的变迁过程,另一方面也揭示了港城关系相互作用的机理。

    On the one hand , the article reveals the evolution of the relationship between them , on the other hand , reveals the mechanism of the interaction of relations between the port and city .

  11. 通过研究港城关系,提出港城一体化的建设策略,合理进行港口和城市规划,制定了港城相互促进、共同发展的战略。

    By means of the research of port-city relation , put forward the Strategy on Port-City 's Integral Construction , carried on the port and city planning reasonably , lay down the strategy of port - city that promote mutually and develop commonly .

  12. 借鉴国内外港口城市港城关系优化发展的成功经验,总结出港城关系的优化发展主要是港城产业互动发展与港城空间协调的过程。

    In view of international successful experiences of optimized development relationship between port and city , this paper summarizes that optimized development between port and city is mainly the process of interaction between port industry and city industry and the spatial coordination between port and city .

  13. 港口物流与城市产业之间相互作用日趋复杂化、非线性化、耦合化,其产生的经济效应已远远大于它们各自发展结果的总和,其耦合程度大小关系到现阶段港城关系的可持续发展。

    The interaction between urban industry and Harbor logistics become more complex , nonlinear and coupling , and integrate economic effects are far greater than the sum of their individual development results , the coupling relationship is related to the current availability of City sustainable development .

  14. 秦皇岛港城互动关系分析及对策建议

    The Analysis and Suggest on the Interactive Relationship between Port and City of Qinhuangdao

  15. 以及港城经济关系和当前我国港城一体化建设中的目标和矛盾,提出了港城一体化建设中的核心问题;

    Introduce the an economic relation of harbor city and the target and antinomy at present which in the Port-City 's Integral Construction our country , and put forward the core problem in Port-City 's Integral Construction .

  16. 秦皇岛港城经济互动关系研究

    The Study on the Port-City Economic Interaction Relationship in Qinhuangdao

  17. 基于绿色理念的港城互动发展关系研究

    Study on the Relationship between the Development of Port Industry and City Based on Green Conception