
  • 网络port logistics park
  1. 可以说,这是港口物流园区发展的方向。

    It is the development trend of port logistics park .

  2. 福州江阴港口物流园区发展战略研究

    A Study on the Development Strategy of Fuzhou JiangYin Port Logistics Park

  3. 港口物流园区建设风险分析与评估

    Risks Analysis and Evaluation of Harbor Logistics Park ′ s Construction

  4. 港口物流园区与港口统一规划建设的必要性

    Necessity of Integrating Logistics Park into the Planning and Construction of Port

  5. 港口物流园区的建设,是发展现代物流的重要基础。

    The construction of logistics parks is the fundament of developing modern logistics .

  6. 基于情景规划的扬州港口物流园区发展战略

    On the development strategy of Yangzhou harbor logistics park ponder based on scenario planning

  7. 最后提出了厦门港口物流园区的发展建议。

    Finally it raises some suggestion in developing Xiamen port logistics park in the future .

  8. 第一部分阐述了港口物流园区的定义、功能以及国内外港口物流园区的发展概况。

    The first part introduces the definition and the function of port logistics park , as well as the development of domestic and foreign ports Logistics Park .

  9. 第三部分运用系统理论,在确定港口物流园区物流系统的基础上,主要分析了港口物流园区的系统功能和系统构成要素。

    Using systematic theory , the third part mainly analyzes the system functions and system components of the Port Logistics Park on the basis of fixing the system of the Park .

  10. 首先,回顾了我国港口物流园区规划与建设的现状及国内外港口物流园区规划的经验;

    Fistly , the status quo of the planning and building of port logistics park in our country and the experience of port logistics park constructing at home and abroad are reviewed .

  11. 确定以港口物流园区建设为重点的发展方向,是锦州市实施工业立市,以港兴市的发展战略的重要举措。

    Jinzhou City decides on port logistics park construction as the key development direction , it is the important measure of development strategy with " industrial sign city to port Xing City " .

  12. 港口物流园区的发展,不仅能增强港口的枢纽节点地位,提高港口竞争力,同时能够形成产业集聚,推进城市化进程。

    The development of Port Logistics Park , not only can enhance port hub node status and improve competitive power of port , but also can form the industrial cluster and advance the process of urbanization .

  13. 港口物流园区在综合运输体系中起到枢纽作用,它是国际运输系统和现代物流系统中的重要节点,并具有发展现代物流的资源优势。

    Port Logistics Park plays a pivot in comprehensive transportation system , it is the important node in the international transportation system and modern logistics system and it has some advantage with the development of modern logistics resource .

  14. 第四部分首先介绍了国内外港口物流园区发展的成功经验,之后重点分析了太仓港物流园区在系统功能和系统要素上存在的问题。

    The fourth part firstly introduces the successful experiences of development of Port Logistics Park at home and abroad . Later emphatically analyzes the existing problems in system function and in system elements of Taicang Port Logistics Park .

  15. 第二部分根据我国港口物流园区的运输方法、管理机构和运输工具等现状,分析了的优缺点。

    The second part of the Organization introduces the method of transport , management agencies and transport equipment three aspects of their status , and analyzed logistics park in the port for the transport of the advantages and disadvantages .

  16. 本论文对于天津港集装箱物流园区运营管理和未来发展具有很强的现实意义,对于我国港口物流园区以及其他物流园区健康发展的研究也具有一定的借鉴价值。

    This paper has great practical significance for operational management and future development of Tianjin Port Container Logistics Park , and also has certain reference value for the healthy development of port logistics parks in China and other logistics park worldwide .

  17. 此外,结合连云港港口物流园区需求预测的实证研究结果对灰色预测算法及其改进方案进行评价,期望能对科学预测物流园区的需求提供若干理论参考。

    In addition , it combines the algorithm with the practical research on the demand forecasting of logistic park at the Lianyungang port to evaluate the algorithm as well as the improved calculation , and expects to provide some reference for other logistic park planning .

  18. 港口后方物流园区规划研究

    Study on the Planning of the Logistics Zone of a Container Terminal

  19. 港口集装箱物流园区货运交通量预测研究

    Study on the Prediction of Freight Traffic Volume in Port Container Logistics Park

  20. 港口集装箱物流园区规模的研究

    Research on Logistics Park Size of Container Terminal

  21. 为了实现港口与物流园区联动发展、促进港口物流供应链整合,本文以供应链为视角,分析了港口与物流园区信息整合问题。

    In order to implement the interaction development between port and Logistics Park , the information integration of port and logistics is analyzed from perspective of supply chain .

  22. 本论文以港口型物流园区为研究对象,首先介绍了物流园区和港口物流园区的基本概念,然后,探讨了物流园区的功能和类型划分,并对国内外的物流发展实践进行了分析;

    This thesis regards port type logistics park as the research object , has introduced the basic conception of the logistics park and port logistics park at first , then probe into function and type , logistics of park divide , develop to domestic and international logistics practice analyze ;

  23. 港口城市发展物流园区的探讨

    How to Develop Logistics Parks in Port Cities

  24. 并且分析了国内外港口物流及物流园区的发展情况,希望对九江港口物流园区的发展有,所借鉴。

    Then it analyses the development situation of logistics and logistics park home and abroad hoping to use for reference in the development of Jiujiang harbor logistics park .

  25. 阐述了港口城市发展物流园区的必要性,探讨了发展物流园区的规划、建设、政策扶持等问题,并对物流园区的发展提出了建议。

    The paper points out the necessity of developing logistics park in port cities gives out some suggestions on how to develop logistics park including measures , planning , construction , policy , business and management .

  26. 港口的独特优势使港口成为物流园区等物流基础设施建设的最佳载体之一,是各地政府大力投资于港口物流园区的规划和建设的重要原因。

    The port is one of the best places for construction of logistics park and logistics foundation because of its unique superiority , which was the most important reason for energetic investment of logistics parks by governments .

  27. 目前,全国各主要港口都已经建立起了以港口为依托的港口物流园区。

    So far , most of the main harbors in China have set up supporting logistics park .

  28. 对重庆港口物流系统规划的内容进行了全面研究,对重庆港口物流园区的规划与布局,重庆港口物流信息系统建设规划与功能设计进行了重点研究。

    The contents of logistics system planning of the ship port of Chongqing have been all-sidedly studied . Then the logistics information system planning and the functions design of the ship port Chongqing have been emphatically studied .

  29. 港口物流化趋势日益明显,物流型港口替代升级了传统港口,港口物流园区就在这样的背景下产生并得到快速发展。

    The tendency of port logistics is more and more obvious . Logistics port takes the place of traditional port . Port Logistics Park gets rapid development under the background .

  30. 相对于世界著名港口,如鹿特丹港等港口在20世纪80年代中后期开始了港口的物流化建设发展,我国的港口物流园区的起步相对较晚,始于20世纪和21世纪之交。

    Relative to the world famous ports , for example , the port of Rotterdam which began port logistics development in the mid 1980s , the port in China began in the 20th century and the 21st century , which is relatively late .