
  1. 同时,基于港口网络产品特性与网络效应现象的分析,认为其通达性水平与临港服务业水平对港口效用与竞争力的影响正是港口网络效应的具体表现。

    Ports have properties of network products and network effect . The influence of the level of connectivity and waterfront services on port competence shows network effect of ports . 2 .

  2. 产品零部件的参数化、模块化设计技术是支持产品设计重复使用的关键技术,提出了针对港口机械产品的参数化、模块化设计方法,为产品的快速生成提供了支持。

    Parametric and modular design for product parts and components is a key technology to support their repeated usage . A parametric and modular design method aiming at sea port machinery is presented , which is a strong backbone to the rapid building of the machinery .

  3. 港口装卸机械产品计算机辅助设计简称港机CAD,本文介绍了港机CAD15年来发展的历程和取得的成绩,指出了港机CAD今后的研究方向与课题。

    Computer aided design of load and unload machines in port is brief'ly called port machine CAD . This paper describes the developed course and achievements in 15 years and puts forward the research directions and titles of POrt machenes CAD in future .

  4. 这项协议仍然必须经过欧盟成员国的批准。这些积压在欧盟国家港口的中国产品相当于明年中国出口限额的将近一半。

    EU member nations must still approve the deal , which counts about half the goods towards next year 's Chinese export quota .

  5. 中国官方的新华社星期二晚间的报导没有提供中国和巴西此次签署的其它协议的具体内容,只是说那些协议包括了设备、金融、科学、空间、法律、港口和农产品。

    China 's official Xinhua News Agency late Tuesday gave no details about the other agreements , except to say they covered equipment , financing , science , space , law , ports and agricultural products .

  6. 作为港口企业,核心产品就是装卸服务。

    As port enterprise the major is loading and unloading .

  7. 英格兰西北部的一个大城市;它的港口是英国工业产品出口的主要港口。

    A large city in northwestern England ; its port is the country 's major outlet for industrial exports .

  8. 天津市作为北方重要的特大港口城市,农产品加工产业的发展是提升农产品附加值,发展出口创汇的关键。

    Tianjin , as an important port metropolis in northern China , should have a highly developed agro-product processing industry which is of necessity to elevating the added values for agro-products as well as to developing an export-oriented agriculture .