
  • 网络Flattening of channels;Flatization
  1. 在目前竞争日益激烈、行业利润越来越低、渠道扁平化趋势发展的市场状况下,手机经销商尤其是刚进入市场不久的C网手机经销商的生存和发展情况如何就更加引人关注了。

    At the background of more aboil competition , more low industry profit and more short distribution channel , the existence & development situation of mobile phone dealers especially the CDMA mobile phone dealers becomes more noticeable .

  2. 所以构建一个网上销售平台,一方面可使销售渠道扁平化,绕过传统零售的困难;

    So compose builds platform of the sale on a net , can make sale channel compressed on one hand change , bypass traditional and retail difficult ;

  3. 笔者从为什么说渠道扁平化是渠道发展的大趋势,企业实现渠道扁平化所要面对的问题以及成功企业的经验这三方面来探讨渠道扁平化的问题。

    The hierarchical system is discussed from three aspects : why the hierarchical system is the developing trend of marketing , problems to be solved and the successful experience of some enterprises .

  4. 随着IT产业的飞速发展,渠道扁平化的快速推进,互联网的广泛应用,中小型IT分销企业面临巨大的成长困境。

    With the rapid development of IT industry , the flatting of distribution channel and the widely use of Internet , small and medium IT distributors are facing difficulties in their growth .

  5. A公司属于典型的家电制造企业,近年来面临原材料价格上涨,营销渠道扁平化,价格战愈演愈烈,市场变化异常复杂,客户需求多样化的环境。

    The company of A belongs to the typical appliance manufacture enterprise , facing the raw material price soar in recent years , the marketing outlet is even turning flat , the price war plays more and more strong , the market variety complicacy abnormality , customer need diversification environment .

  6. 近年来,日益激烈的竞争导致渠道的扁平化与渠道控制中心向渠道终端或消费者购买一极转移,同时零售终端的商业模式也发生着巨大的变革。

    Of late years , increasingly drastic market competition has resulted in channel compressed and channel control centre transferred to channel terminal or the consumer purchasing pole , meanwhile the commercial mode of retail terminal has gone through enormous transformation .

  7. 在此基础上,分析了国外营销渠道关系的发展历程,探悉到了渠道扁平化趋势,结合我国渠道关系现状,提出了建立伙伴型营销渠道关系的构想。

    In this foundation , we have analyzed the development of the overseas marketing channel relationship , understood to the channel levels shorten tendency . Considering the domestic marketing channel relationship present situation , we raise the establishment partner marketing channel relationship conception .

  8. 文章最后还展望了日用消费品的大型分销渠道网络建设的发展方向,反映出渠道网络扁平化的建设思路。

    Lastly , the author looks forward to the future about the development of the marketing channel network , and reflects the thinking of constructing flat marketing channel network .

  9. 对于环境的变化,企业必须调整或革新营销渠道形式以适应竞争和消费者的需求,如渠道的扁平化、增加网络营销渠道等。

    Resulting from this environment change , corporations have to adjust their channel forms or innovate new ones , such as channel flatting , network marketing channel exploitation , etc , in order to adapt to competitions and customers ' needs .

  10. “得渠道者得天下”,2009年,惠达营销体系进行了渠道扁平化探索。

    Wang Yanqing ( President of Tangshan Huida Group )" He who has channels will win in competition ", in2009 , Huida launched the exploration of flattening in marketing channels .

  11. 旅行社营销渠道必须建立纵向上的二、三级并存的垂直分工体系,以实现营销渠道合理分工与扁平化;

    The travel Service marketing channel must establish two and three class perpendicular cent work system existing at the same time , to realize the marketing channel reasonable cent work and flatting .

  12. 在渠道策略方面,根据市场潜能、消费者需求、品牌定位、渠道成本和效率等方面因素,逐步使渠道柔性化、扁平化、信息化、提高直销率以及进入新的零售渠道等。

    According to the market potential , customer demand , brand orientation and the cost and efficiency of the channel , the enterprise should make the channel more flexible , compressed , informative , directly and try to enter some new retail channels .