
  • 网络Channel Integration
  1. SC省移动公司渠道整合研究

    The Study on the Marketing Channel Integration of SC Mobile Company

  2. 从中国的市场环境和中国零售业的发展看,发挥零售业PB渠道整合的功能具有重要性和迫切性。

    In view of the environment of Chinese market , it is important and urgent for Chinese retail trade to make full use of PB channel integration .

  3. XML在某商业银行渠道整合平台的应用

    The Application of XML in Channel Integrated Platform of a Bank

  4. GS中国公司营销渠道整合研究

    Research on the Integrated Marketing Channel of GS ( China ) Company

  5. 营销策略4P中,价格、产品、促销难以使企业保持持续竞争力,通过营销渠道整合与创新来提升企业竞争优势已引起企业和学者的关注。

    In the marketing strategies of 4P , price , product and promotion are difficult to maintain a sustainable competitive in business .

  6. PHS需要通过采取战略营销、提升产品品质、采用个性化套餐和渠道整合、提高用户忠诚度、推进品牌建设和企业文化与战略合作等整合营销方式寻求内涵式发展。

    PHS needs to promote product quality by strategic marketing , promote users loyalty by individuality service combination and channel integration and advance integrated marketing mode like brand construction and strategic cooperation so as to seek connotative development .

  7. 企业网络营销与传统渠道整合探析

    Analysis of the Integration of Enterprise Network Marketing and Traditional Channel

  8. 一汽集团分销渠道整合方案设计

    The Design of the Integration Distribution Channel of FAW Group

  9. 第五,加强渠道整合,实现资源优化配置。

    Fifth , strengthen channel integration to optimize resource allocation .

  10. 银行分销渠道整合的位置-产量模型研究

    Location and quantity model for adjustment to bank distribution channels

  11. 湖南移动营销渠道整合优化问题研究

    The Research on Marketing Channel of Hunan Mobile Communication Corporation

  12. 农户为中心的农产品营销渠道整合研究

    A Research on Channel Integration of Farmer-centered Agricultural Marketing

  13. 多渠道整合是保险业电子商务成功运作的基础。

    Integrated multi-channel will be the basis of insurance e-business for successful operation .

  14. 渠道整合、前瞻性沟通通过公民介入对公民信赖发生影响。

    Citizen-centered focus and fluid cross-government service influence citizen trust through the Intermediate of citizen satisfaction ;

  15. 文章最后提出了渠道整合过程中的风险控制问题。

    Finally , the article puts forward the problem of risk-control in sales channel transforming process .

  16. 营销渠道整合管理包括策略方面、客户关系管理方面和经销商管理方面;

    The marketing channel integration management includes strategy management , customer service management and distributor management .

  17. 营销渠道整合研究

    Research on Marketing Channel Integration

  18. 最后,论文对企业实施渠道整合的风险问题进行了分析,讨论了企业在渠道整合中规避风险的可行性。

    Lastly , the paper analyzes risk management problems of channel integration and discusses the elusion tactics .

  19. 利用子公司的业务协同与创新和业务渠道整合,实现先期的业务整合;

    The financial holding company should ues the coordination and innovation of the service to realize the conformity of its service .

  20. 自媒体时代公共危机传播的渠道整合&以四川广元柑橘事件为例

    The channel integration of public crisis transmission in " we media " era & taking Sichuan Guangyuan citrus incident as an example

  21. 目前企业网络营销的开展仍处在过渡时期,探析网络营销与传统渠道整合路径,对指导我国企业正确开展网络营销有重要意义。

    The integration of network marketing and traditional channel is of great importance to direct our countrys enterprises to implement network marketing correctly .

  22. 本文从基于价值分享理念的分销渠道整合的角度,对分销费用在企业与中间商之间的种类以及分摊比例进行分析,并提出相应的预算控制措施。

    This thesis analysis the types and the proportion of marketing cost between the enterprises and of intermediaries and proposed the corresponding control measures .

  23. 这篇文章将通过国际知名的专业对讲机制造公司&建伍公司的销售渠道整合的案例说明销售渠道整合在市场竞争中的重要性。

    This article will illustrate the importance of marketing channels in market competition by using example of international famous transceiver company & KENWOOD company marketing channels integrating .

  24. 而研究网络营销渠道整合正是为了寻求这一背景下网络渠道作用的最大体现,谋求营销效果的提升。

    The research of network marketing channel integration is to seek the maximization of the network channels role in this background and enhance the effect of marketing .

  25. 渠道整合力量的力度不够,对交易特征与农户农产品营销渠道整合模式选择行为影响并不普遍。

    The efforts of power from channels integration is not inadequate , so its impact on transaction characteristics and channels integration model of farmers agricultural marketing was not general .

  26. 这样做可以大大增加鞍山市建行服务渠道整合战略实施的科学性,以有效提升鞍山建行服务渠道体系的整体效能。

    These proposals can make the implement of the integrity of service channels more scientific and improve the overall efficacy of the system of service channels in Anshan Construction Bank .

  27. 本文希望在现有研究的基础上,对两种渠道整合进行探讨。以期能够对延长石油销售公司和石油化工企业渠道改革提供一些合理的建议,提高竞争优势。

    In order to raise some reasonable suggestions to Yanchang Petroleum Sale Company and other petroleum enterprises , this article makes a study on channel integration basing on current theory .

  28. 伴随着外资装载机生产企业不断进入中国市场,分销渠道整合越来越成为装载机生产企业提升竞争优势的现实选择。

    Along with foreign wheel-loader production enterprises to enter the Chinese market , distribution channel integration is more and more become the realistic choice of machine production enterprise competitive advantage .

  29. 农产品渠道整合的交易模式对农户交易绩效存在有效改善的路径作用,通过路径选择可以提高农户交易绩效。

    Transaction modes of agricultural channels integration had an effective and improved role to farmers trading performance , and through the path selection , performance of farmers transactions could be improved .

  30. 接着,从传播主体整合、内容整合、渠道整合以及受众满足四个角度出发进一步探讨我国城市形象整合营销传播的实施策略。

    Subsequently , I will further explore the implementation strategy of Integrated Marketing Communication of domestic city image from four perspectives : communication subject integration , content integration , channel integration and audience satisfaction .