
  • 网络Fishery economy;fishing economy
  1. 把握渔业经济形势加强渔业战略研究

    Grasp the fishery economic situation & strengthen the fisheries strategic research

  2. 帆式张网渔业经济效益与渔业生产

    Fishery economic benefit and fishery production on the swing net of

  3. 舟山渔业经济结构战略性调整研究

    A Study on Strategic Adjustment of Fishery Economical Structure in Zhoushan

  4. 广西外向型渔业经济崭露头角

    Fishery Economy Open to Outside in Guangxi Begins to Show Ability

  5. 面向新世纪发展外向型渔业经济

    The Development of Fisheries Economy to Outside for the New Century

  6. 江苏海洋渔业经济现状及产业发展探讨

    Economic Status Quo and Industry Development of Marine Fishery in Jiangsu

  7. 关于构建我国新型海洋渔业经济组织制度的思考

    China 's Sea Fishery Administration and Organizational System of Fishery Economy

  8. 关于渔业经济学术刊物载文的定量分析

    The quantitative analysis of the published articles in fisheries academic journal

  9. 知识型垄断与文化型渔业经济探讨

    Discussion on Knowledge - based Monopoly and Culture - oriented Fisheries Economy

  10. 敏感性分析在远洋渔业经济效益核算中的应用

    The Application of Sensitivity Analysis on Economic Benefits Accounting of Deep-sea Fishery

  11. 明代洞庭湖地区的渔业经济

    The fishery economy of Dongting Lake area in Ming Dynasty

  12. 天津海洋渔业经济发展状况与前景分析

    Economic Development Status and Prospect Analysis of Ocean Fishery in Tianjin City

  13. 我国渔业经济增长方式转变问题研究

    Study on Transforming the Fisheries Economic Growth Pattern in China

  14. 山东省渔业经济现状与可持续发展浅析

    Analysis of situation and sustainable development of fishery economy in Shandong Province

  15. 海南渔业经济增长实证研究

    The Positive Research of Economic Growth of Hainan 's Fishery

  16. 污染致渔业经济损失赔偿程序初探

    The preliminary discussion on reparations procedure of fisheries loss caused by pollution

  17. 豫西地区渔业经济可持续发展对策

    Sustainable Development Countermeasures of the Fishery Economy in the West of Henan

  18. 明清时期湖北地区的渔业经济

    Fishery Economy of the Hubei Area in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  19. 优化辽宁渔业经济功能的对策研究

    Research on Optimization of Liaoning Province 's Fishery Economy Functions and its Strategies

  20. 发挥科技信息的作用为福建渔业经济服务

    Developing Technological Information to Serve Fisheries Economy of Fujian

  21. 渔业经济管理专业涉渔课程组设计的思考

    Thoughts on the design of curricula involving fishery in fishery economic management specialty

  22. 发展我国海洋渔业经济必经之路

    Necessary way for developing china 's marine fishery economy

  23. 福建省县域渔业经济综合实力评价

    A general evaluation of fishery economic power for county areas in Fujian Province

  24. 水产品出口与中国渔业经济增长关系的实证分析

    The Relationship between Export of Aquatic Products and Economic Growth of Chinese Fishery

  25. 渔业经济在一国经济发展与国际贸易中发挥着非常重要的作用。

    Fishery economy plays a vital role in national economic development and international trade .

  26. 新时期渔业经济构想

    Conception of Fishery Economy in the New Period

  27. 渔业经济学科的研究领域和体系架构

    Research Field and System Framework On Fishery Economics

  28. 我国渔业经济增长的贸易效应显现分析

    Trade effects of fishery economic growth in China

  29. 海洋渔业经济体制的初步分析

    Preliminary Analysis on Economical System of Marine Fisheries

  30. 三明市淡水渔业经济十年剖析

    The analysis on the freshwater fisheries economy in Sanming municipality in ten years time