
  • 网络cleanliness;Cleaning;cleaness
  1. 表面清洁度对含氟聚合物X射线光电子能谱(XPS)研究的影响

    Effects of cleanliness of specimen surfaces on XPS studies of some fluoropolymers

  2. LDRHCC工艺生产低碳铝镇静钢清洁度的研究

    Research on the cleanliness of low carbon Al-killed steel during LD-RH-CC process

  3. 两组在改善患者阴道清洁度方面无显著差异(P>0.05);

    The two groups were similar at vaginal discharge depuratory ( P > 0.05 ) .

  4. 转炉RH连铸工艺过程中低碳铝镇静钢的清洁度

    Cleanliness of Low Carbon Al-Killed Steel during LD-RH-CC Processing

  5. 液压AGC系统油液清洁度的控制

    Control of Oil Liquid Cleanliness in Hydraulic AGC System

  6. 随细胞分级级别升高及阴道清洁度程度加重,HPV感染率呈上升趋势。

    The HPV infectious rate is rising with the elevate of cervical lesion 's level .

  7. RH真空处理过程中钢水的清洁度

    Steel cleanliness during RH degassing process

  8. 结果:三组肠道清洁度和检查成功率无显著差异,A组术中耐受性明显低于B、C组。

    Results There was no significant difference in three groups so far as cleanness and success rate were concerned , but tolerance in group A was obviously lower than that in group B and C.

  9. 宫颈糜烂HPV感染与宫颈刮片细胞分级、阴道清洁度、合并其它病原体感染及年龄、职业、流产次数、节育环情况均有关。

    Cervical erosion with HPV infection is relate to cervical scraping smear vaginal secretion 's character other pathogens ' infection , patients age job and childbearing history et al .

  10. 用空气循环净化的方法,可有效地减少空气中的细菌和霉菌,降低CO2浓度,消除臭气,可使手术室内空气的清洁度从Ⅲ级提高到Ⅱ级水平。

    The air purification method could reduce bacteria , fungi , CO2 concentration and odor in the air . It might increase the clean degree of the air from Degree HI to Degree ⅱ in the operation room .

  11. IETS谱作为真空镀膜系统清洁度的检测手段

    The IETS spectrum for the detection of the contamination in high vacuum system

  12. 在白带MDI清洁度的改善上,A组、B组间疗效明显,之间的差异没有统计学意义(P0.05),均明显优于C组(P0.05)。

    In white on the improvement in cleanness of MDI , efficacy significantly between group A and group B , the difference between no statistical significance ( P0.05 ), were significantly better than group C ( P0.05 ) .

  13. PQ型滤油器支架的清洁度直接影响发动机的可靠性和使用寿命,这就对其清洗方式及清洗工艺提出了严格的要求。

    Cleanliness of PQ-type oil filter bracket directly affects the reliability and service life of engines , which puts forward strict requirements for the cleaning method and process .

  14. CDCM机组影响带钢表面清洁度的因素分析

    Analysis of the influence factors of tandem mill coupled with pickling line on strip cleanness

  15. 测试复配剂(DF-5)应用产品的熔体指数、拉伸屈服强度、清洁度等各项质量指标与优级品指标比较。

    Determination of the melt index , tensile yield strength and cleaness of the product , to which the compounded agent was applied , and comparisons between the above mentioned indexes and those of products of superior grade were also made .

  16. 通过对P7泵柱塞偶件去毛刺工艺的改进,确保P7泵柱塞偶件清洁度达到规定的要求。

    This article introduces the technological improvement of deburring the plunger couples of P7 pump in order to ensure Dlunser couples cleanness to the standard .

  17. 其结果表明:(1)岳麓山空气负离子含量和空气清洁度,先随海拔高度的升高而增加,到150m处左右达到最大,然后又逐渐降低,发生明显的垂直变。

    The result shows : ( 1 ) The amount of negative air ions and air clean degree rise gradually with height increases , getting its peak at the height of 150m , then they decrease as the height continuous increases , existing a dramatic vertical variation .

  18. 我公司开发了针对抗燃油清洁度及再生处理的XY-500型抗燃油专用滤油机,既可以在线循环过滤又可以将油吸入自带的油箱进行过滤,使滤油机作为备用油箱。

    We develop XY-500 style fire resistant filter for hydraulic cleanness and its regeneration , which can filter online and suck oil to its self oil tank for filtration , making filter as a spare tank .

  19. 液压机构油液清洁度浅析

    Superficial Analysis on Control of Cleanliness of Oil in Hydraulic Mechanism

  20. 机油清洁度铁谱分析检测方法研究

    A Study of Checking Method for Engine Oil Cleanliness by Ferrography

  21. GB/T3821-1983中小功率内燃机清洁度测定方法

    Determination of cleanliness for small and medium power internal combustion engines

  22. 机油清洁度检测与污染控制的研究

    An Investigation on Detection and Contamination Control of Engine Oil Cleanliness

  23. 液压系统主动维护中目标清洁度的设置和优化

    Setting and Optimization of Objective Cleanliness in Proactive Maintenance of Hydraulics

  24. 托盘清洁度对自动装配质量的影响及对策

    Effects of Tray Cleanliness on Automatic Assembly Quality and Its Solution

  25. 渣相对低碳铝镇静钢钢水清洁度影响的定量研究

    Quantitative investigation on the effect of slag phase on steel cleanliness

  26. 乳化液使用性能对轧后带钢表面清洁度的影响

    Influence of emulsion performance on surface cleanness of cold rolled sheet

  27. 提高精轧机、预精轧机稀油清洁度的实践

    The Practice of Improving Thin Oil Cleanness of Finisher and Pre-finisher

  28. 提高水基清洗设备清洁度的有效途径

    The Effective Ways to Raise the Cleanliness of Aqueous Cleaning Equipment

  29. 清洁度在风力机生命周期环境评价中的作用

    Role of cleanliness in life cycle assessment of wind turbine generators

  30. 电视检查不仅要提供管板上表面的清洁度状况,而且还必须根据合格标准得出清洁度结论。

    The TV inspection obtained a cleanliness conclusion according to acceptance criteria .