
qīng rè
  • clearing heat;clearing away heat
清热 [qīng rè]
  • [clearing away heat] 中医指用寒凉药物清除内热

  • 清热解毒

  • 清热化痰

清热[qīng rè]
  1. HPLC法测定清咽止咳膏中苦杏仁苷的含量清热祛痰止咳法治疗支气管扩张症30例

    Determination of Amygdalin in Qingyan Zhike Gao by HPLC Cases of Bronchiectasis Treated with Method of Clearing Heat , Removing Sputum and Stop Cough

  2. 清热解毒法治疗大、中等面积急性脑梗死及对CD(62)P、TNF-α、IL-6活性的影响

    The Effect of Clearing Heat and Toxin Therapy on Activities of CD_ ( 62 ) P , TNF - α, IL-6 in Patients with Extensive and Medium Acute Cerebral infarction

  3. 具有补脾益气、清热解毒、润肺止咳等功效。

    With Spleen Qi , heat antidotes , such as cough Runfei effectiveness .

  4. 清热燥湿法治疗2型糖尿病及改善IR的临床研究

    Clinical Study of Clearing Away Heat and Drying Dampness in Treating Type 2 Diabetes and IR

  5. 目的探讨清热化湿法对II型视盘血管炎治疗的临床疗效。

    OBJECTIVE To observe the clinical effects of treatment on type II disc vasculitis with Qingre Huashi methods .

  6. 清热解毒和补益中药对小鼠腹水肝癌H(22)细胞的作用及免疫学机制比较

    Effect of Heat-clearing and Detoxifying Herbs and Tonifying Herbs on Mice Hepatoma Cells Line H_ ( 22 ) and Their Immunologic Mechanism

  7. 清热解毒中药对烧伤创面感染大鼠血浆IL-6的水平和TNF诱生量的影响

    Effects of traditional Chinese herbs on plasma level of IL-6 and TNF in burned rats with infection

  8. 目的观察健脾化湿清热法治疗干燥综合征(SS)的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe clinical effect of invigorating spleen to eliminate dampness and cooling heat in treating SS .

  9. 结论:两个以清热药为主的中药复方对Hp均有抑菌作用,为进一步开展中药抗Hp的临床研究提供了依据。

    Conclusion : The results provide a scientific basis for further developing clinical study of chinese drugs compound on inhibiting helicobacter pyloric .

  10. 结论:清热养阴降浊方对治疗胃癌前病变确有疗效,且能降低胃液CEA含量及对HP有抑杀作用。

    Conclusion : HYTM possesses definite curative effect for GPL and cal decrease gastric juice CEA content and kill HP .

  11. 目的:进行清热利湿中药方剂(Chinesetraditionaldrugs,CTD)联合糖皮质激素(corticosteroids,CS)和单用CS治疗天疱疮的临床对照研究,以及CTD治疗天疱疮作用机制的实验室研究。

    Objective : To study the clinical efficacy of Chinese traditional medicine ( CTM ) in pemphigus .

  12. 检测中,清热活血方药对于VEGF的调控不明显,可能与取样时间相关,需要后续实验进一步证实。

    But the regulation to VEGF is not obvious ; probably it is associated with the sampling time , which need for follow-up experiments to confirm .

  13. 清热解毒与养阴增液法对内毒素脱毒相关分子HDL和ALP影响的研究

    Effects of strategies of heat-clearing and detoxifying , and Yin-invigorating and fluid-supplementing on HDL and ALP molecules associated with endotoxin-degrading

  14. 益气养阴清热解毒法对EB病毒感染者中医体质证候的影响

    Therapy of Supplementing Qi and Nourishing Yin Heat-clearing and Detoxicating Impact the Physical Symptom of The Patients Who Infected with EB Virus

  15. 采用免疫组织化学研究方法分别检测治疗组和对照组溃疡灶周围胃粘膜组织bFGF阳性表达的强弱,探讨健脾清热化瘀方对胃溃疡愈合质量的影响。

    2 , to examined the expression of bFGF in gastric mucosal of treatment group and control group after and before remedy by immunohistochemical methods .

  16. 目的观察清热解毒法抗SHR胰岛素抵抗的作用及初步作用机制。

    Objective : To verify the action effect and elementary mechanism of Clearing Heat and Removing Toxin method on the insulin resistance .

  17. 然后对清热消炎宁胶囊所处的宏观环境进行分析,运用波特五力分析模型和SWOT分析法对竞争对手进行研究。

    Then on to heat antiphlogistic ning capsule in the macro environment of analysis , using potter five competitive forces of SWOT analysis model and competitor for research .

  18. 清热活血中药治疗糖尿病肾病尿蛋白的Meta分析

    The efficacy of Chinese herbal medicine clearing heat and activating blood circulation in the man - agement of urine protein in diabetic nephropathy : A meta-analysis

  19. 目的探讨滋阴清热中药对系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者性激素及临床疗效的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of Chinese drugs for nourishing Yin and clearing the heat on regulation of sex hormones and clinical efficacy patients with SLE .

  20. 清热泻火对E2、FSH和LH均无明显影响,解痉镇痛药虽可明显提高E2含量。

    Although the herbal drugs to relieve spasm and sedate pain could enhance E2 content obviously but did not have obvious function to FSH and LH .

  21. 清热祛湿法对兔膝关节急性痛风性关节炎细胞因子IL-1β和NO的影响

    Experimental study on the effect of the method of removing heat and dispersing dampness on the levels of il-1 β and no in acute urarthritis of knee joints in rabbits

  22. 滋阴活血法辨治黄褐斑的中医文献研究滋阴清热方对SLE模型外周血细胞因子的影响

    The Literature Analysis of Nourishing Yin and Promoting Blood Flow Method Treat Chloasma Effect on Peripheral Cytokine of Rat Model for SLE after Treatment with Zi Ying Qing Re Fang

  23. 根据滋阴益气、清热解毒法,采用复方自身清为主治疗活动性系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)30例。

    According to nourishing qi and yin , clearing heat and poison methods , herbal compound Self elimination Decoction was employed to treat 30 cases with systemic lupus erythematosus ( SLE ) .

  24. 结果显示,清热祛湿方能明显改善大鼠肝组织病理变化和超微结构,降低模型大鼠血清ALT、AST水平以及肝组织Hyp、MDA的含量并提高肝组织SOD活性。

    Results : This Decoction could significantly ameliorate the liver tissue pathology and ultrastructure , decrease serum ALT and AST , HYP and MDA in liver tissue , and increase SOD activity .

  25. 目的:探讨中医清热利胆、理气活血方药对豚鼠胆囊收缩素受体(CCKR)表达的调节及作用机制。

    Objective : To explore the regulatory effect of clearing Heat secreting bile regulating Qi flow and activating blood circulation ( CSRA ) principle on cholecystokinin receptor ( CCK R ) and its mechanism .

  26. 方法应用微量McCoy细胞培养法检测了4味清热中药体外抗衣原体活性。

    Methods The inhibitory activity of these medicines for CT was detected by micro culture technique of McCoy cell in vitro .

  27. 板蓝根为十字花科菘蓝属植物菘蓝IsatisindigoticaFort的干燥根,性寒味苦,有清热解毒、凉血消肿的功效。

    Isatis indigotica Fort is the dried root of Isatis tinctoria . It has the effects of heat-clearing and detoxicating , cooling blood and detumescence .

  28. 正肝方中清热解毒类药物不能抑制Bel-7402细胞的增殖,但有一定的抑制细胞端粒酶活性的作用。

    Herbs clearing away heat and toxic materials do not inhibit the proliferation of Bel-7402 cells , but suppress the telomerase activity of Bel-7402 cells to some degree .

  29. 结果清热方组TNF-α均值和IL-6均值均低于对照组(P<0.01),提示该方能有效抑制TNF-α和IL-6的生成。

    Results The average of TNF - α and IL-6 of the recipe group were higher than that of control group , which suggested that the recipe could inhibit the production of TNF - α and IL-6 effectively .

  30. 结论:益气养阴清热解毒法能改善EB病毒感染者的虚弱体质证候,降低EB病毒活性。

    Conclusion : The therapy of supplementing qi and nourishing yin , heat-clearing and detoxicating can decrease the weak physical integration of the patients who infected with EB virus and lower the EB virus'activity .