
  1. 那为什么端一杯液体饮料(不洒出来)就那么困难?

    So why is it so hard to carry a liquid ?

  2. 立式砖形液体饮料无菌包装机的研制

    The Research of the Vertical Brick_size Aseptic Drink Packing Machine

  3. 中国液体饮料加工技术的现状及前景

    Present situation and prospects on processing technique of liquid beverage in China

  4. 易拉罐作为液体饮料的主要包装容器之一已经具有较长的发展历史。

    As one of the major packaging container in drink liquid , beverage can has a long development history .

  5. 如果呕吐让病人饮用液体饮料非常困难,吮吸冰棒或由运动饮料冻成的冰块。

    If vomiting makes it difficult to hold down liquid , suck on ice chips or ice made from sports drinks .

  6. 液体茶饮料提取技术的试验研究

    A test on tea beverage extracting technology

  7. 液体茶饮料的提取技术影响着产品的色香味和澄清度,而产品在常温下保存易产生浑浊沉淀,影响其商品价值。

    Tea beverage extracting technology will impact the quality of the product and the tea beverage will easily produce precipitate , which will impact its commercial value .

  8. 普洱茶是一种具有降脂、减肥、抑菌、抗癌等多种功效的后发酵茶,将其开发为液体茶饮料具有较好的保健价值及市场前景。

    Pu-erh tea is a kind of after-fermentation tea which is of many kinds of health care functions , such as reducing blood lipids , weight loss , anti-microbes and anti-cancer .

  9. 目前,普洱茶的研究主要集中在药理功能的动物试验方面,而对其开发利用较少,尤其是将其开发为液体茶饮料在国内外还尚未见报道。

    Up to now , the researches on Pu-erh tea mainly focused on the pharmacology function through animal test , however , there was few report on its application , especially Pu-erh tea drink development .

  10. 塑料的诞生带动了整个轻工业的迅速发展,其中PET塑料被广泛应用于液体和碳酸饮料的包装领域中,每年都会产生大量的废旧PET塑料瓶。

    The birth of plastics led to rapid development of the light industry as a whole , and the PET plastics are widely used in the packaging of liquid and carbonated drinks , resulting in a lot of wasted polyethylene terephthalate plastic bottles annually .

  11. MISHORI:“但你要多喝水。可以喝水,也可以喝茶,或者任何可以将液体注入体内的饮料,这是非常重要的。”

    RANIT MISHORI : " But you have to drink a lot and you can drink water or you can drink tea -- anything that gets fluids into your body . That 's very important . "

  12. 桦褐孔菌液体发酵及保健饮料的研制

    Fermentation of Inonotus obliquus and Development of Health Beverage with Its Fermentation Product

  13. 大部分烫伤与下列因素有关:家庭的高温液体、厨房的饮料和浴室的水。

    Most burns involved scalds from hot liquids at home : beverages in kitchens and water in bathrooms .