
Its report also said 50g of processed meat a day increased the chance of developing colorectal cancer by 18 % .
Euromonitor says it expects China to overtake the US as the world 's biggest processed meat market this year .
Kurt Straif of the International Agency for Cancer Research said the risk of developing colorectal cancer from eating processed meat remains small but rises with the amount consumed .
And red meat has not been tarnished with the same carcinogenic brush as processed - the IARC said there was only " limited evidence " that red meat caused cancer and that its nutritional value meant it should not be cut out of diets .
While the link between the risk of cancer and eating too much processed and smoked meat is not new , the certainty with which the IARC has classified processed meat as a Group 1 carcinogenic - a group that includes tobacco and asbestos - has been a surprise .
Use of soy proteins for improving texture of processed meat products
This includes aged cheeses , processed meats and soy sauce .
The question now for companies that produce processed meat is how to react to the health warnings .
Its risk also rises by 40 % with every three ounces serving of process meat eating per day .
Yet even as demand for processed and red meat wanes in developed markets , it is growing in emerging markets .
Now scientists in Sweden have found that eating just 50g of processed meat a day raises the likelihood by 19 percent .
Demand for processed and red meats is waning in developed markets as customers seek leaner , healthier cuts and more organic fare .
Last night the Government and the Food Standards Agency announced a UK wide survey into the authenticity of burgers and other processed meat products .
The IARC report labeled processed meat a carcinogen - cigarettes are similarly labeled - and said red meat is " probably carcinogenic to humans . "
In this study , the sample processed meat products , were established coloring agents , preservatives , sweeteners , anti-oxidant test method to test for different purposes .
He said governments and international regulatory agencies must balance the risks and benefits of eating red meat and processed meat " to provide the best possible dietary recommendations . "
Global research suggests that about 34000 deaths per year are linked to diets that are high in processed meats , while smoking causes about 1 million deaths per year .
Eating hot dogs , ham and other processed meat can cause colorectal cancer , and eating red meat " probably " can cause cancer , the World Health Organization 's cancer agency reported Monday .
The IARC said it considered more than 800 studies that investigated possible links between a dozen types of cancer with the consumption of red meat or processed meat in many countries and populations with diverse diets .
Analysts say the pressure on processed meat - and the broader processed food industry - is not going to go away , since the shift to more wholesome foods still has a long way to run .
In a series of recommendations that could hurt the food and restaurant sectors , it advises people to avoid dietary supplements , processed meats and junk food and even to limit their intake of fruit juices .
The experts concluded that each 50 gram portion - about 1.75 ounce , or about two strips of bacon - of processed meat eaten daily increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 18 % , the IARC said
Processed meat was defined as meat transformed through salting , curing , fermentation , smoking " or other processes to enhance flavor or improve preservation . " The most common processed meats consumed in the U.S. include hot dogs , sausages , bacon , ham , canned meat and beef jerky .
Processed meat refers to meat that has been preserved by smoking , curing , salting or adding preservatives . Examples include ham , bacon , pastrami and salami , as well as hot dogs and some sausages . Hamburgers and minced meats only count as processed meat if they have been preserved with salt or chemical additives .
McDonald 's was caught up in the latest China food safety scare after a July 20 television expose showed workers allegedly mishandling meat at Shanghai Husi Food Co Ltd , a factory owned by OSI Group LLC , a major supplier to the chain .
Often , animals used for meat are processed in conditions that permit listeria to infect them .
In the absence of cold chains , such conditions favoured further processing of meat and temporary storage of processed meat products .
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Scientists have found that even relatively small amounts of processed meat increase the chance of developing the deadly illness , including pancreatic cancer , known as the silent killer because it often does not produce symptoms in early stages .
Scientists have found that even relatively small amounts of processed meat increase the chance of developing the deadly illness , including pancreatic cancer , known as " the silent killer " because it often does not produce symptoms in early stages .