
  • 网络coated steel sheet
  1. 彩色涂层钢板的新工艺及新产品

    Novel Process of Color Coated Steel Sheet and New Products

  2. 结果表明:家用电器涂层钢板需要有较高的纯净度及强而沿板厚分布均匀的{111}面织构;

    It is shown that the coated steel sheet for household electrical appliances should have higher purity as well as strong and homogeneously distributed { 111 } fiber texture in normal direction .

  3. PVC涂层钢板

    Steel plate coated with polyvinyl chloride

  4. 具有优良耐蚀性、成形性和焊接性的无Pb、无Cr(VI)预涂层钢板已成为汽车燃油箱钢板发展的方向。

    Pb-free and Cr ( IV ) - free prepainted steel sheet with excellent corrosion resistance , formability and weldability is the development direction of automotive fuel tank steel sheet .

  5. 结构级彩色涂层钢板WJCZn的研制与应用

    Rd of structural grade color coating steel sheet ( wjczn ) and its application

  6. 实验结果表明:采用辊涂法预处理液C50可获得耐蚀性、涂装性及加工性均优的合金化热镀锌有机涂层钢板。

    The results of study show that : if the rolling chemical pretreatment solution C50 is used , the products with both high corrosion resistance and good bonding can be obtained .

  7. 家用电器涂层钢板性能的对比分析

    Property comparison and analysis of coating steel sheets for household electrical appliances

  8. GB/T12754-2006彩色涂层钢板及钢带国家标准修订情况介绍

    An introduction to the revision of GB / T12754 prepainted steel sheet

  9. 某彩色涂层钢板生产线热系统的重新设计

    Innovation of heating system using in a color coating line oven system

  10. 宝钢建筑用彩色涂层钢板的现状及发展

    Status quo and development of precoated steel for construction in Bao Steel

  11. 彩色涂层钢板无损焊接工艺研究&机械冲制凸点电容储能凸焊法

    A Study on Nondestructive Projection Welding Process of Colour Coated Steel Sheet

  12. 彩色有机涂层钢板无损焊接工艺研究

    A Study on Projection Welding Processes of Precoated Steel Sheet

  13. 冷藏集装箱用彩色涂层钢板表面涂层性能研究

    Study on Coatings Property of Precoated Steel Sheet Used for Refrigeration Container

  14. 新型金属包装材料涂层钢板及其发展

    New Metal Packaging Material coating Steel Plate & Its Development

  15. 电沉积镍涂层钢板拉延成形过程分析

    Study on the drawing process of steel sheet with electrodeposited nickel coating

  16. 彩色涂层钢板前处理中化学转化膜对其产品性能的影响

    Influence of Chemical Converting Film in Pretreatment on Performance of Prepainted Galvanized Sheet

  17. 彩色涂层钢板在房屋建筑中的应用

    Application of colored coating steel plate in residential buildings

  18. 有机涂层钢板的涂覆工艺和设备

    The coating process and equipment of polymer coated strip

  19. 彩色涂层钢板质量的提高

    Improvement of the Quality of Precoated Coil Metal Sheet

  20. GB/T13448-1992彩色涂层钢板及钢带试验方法

    Test methods for colour-coated steel plates and strips

  21. 有机涂层钢板性能的评价

    The property evaluation of polymer coated strip

  22. 浅谈涂层钢板生产工艺

    Discussion about process of painted steel strip

  23. 本文介绍了聚氯乙烯涂层钢板的制造方法。

    This paper introduces the method of making the steel plate coated with polyvinyl chloride .

  24. GB/T12754-1991彩色涂层钢板及钢带

    Coloured paint coat steel plates and strips

  25. 电沉积镍涂层钢板的界面结合强度和成形性能分析

    Analysis of the Interface Bonding Strength and Formability of the Nickel Coating Electrodeposited Steel Sheet

  26. 发展中的彩色涂层钢板生产

    The Developing Color-coated Steel Plate Production

  27. 有机涂层钢板生产线主要工艺

    Main processes of organic coating line

  28. 介绍了马钢新建的两条彩色涂层钢板生产线的概况,重点分析了两条生产线的工艺和设备技术特点。

    The two new color-coating lines in Masteel are outlined and their technical and equipment features are analyzed .

  29. GB/T12754-1991彩色涂层钢板及钢带海防工程水泥基迁移性钢筋阻锈涂料的研究

    Coloured paint coat steel plates and strips The research of cement-based migrating corrosion inhibitor in the coast defence engineering

  30. 论述了建筑用彩色涂层钢板在国外的现状和宝钢开发建筑用彩色涂层钢板取得的进展,以及与发达国家之间存在的差距和发展前景。

    Presented here in the article is the status quo of precoated steel for construction in the world and especially the development in Baosteel .