
  • 网络stainless steel spring;stainless spring
  1. 不锈钢弹簧针振动镀金工艺

    Process of gold plating with vibration for stainless steel spring needles

  2. 不锈钢弹簧线;

    Stainless steel spring line ;

  3. 不锈钢弹簧座的离心铸坯-热挤压成形技术

    Production of the Stainless Steel Spring Seat by Centrifugal Casting-Heat Extrusion Forming

  4. 喷丸强化对不锈钢弹簧疲劳性能的影响

    Effect of shot-peening on fatigue behavior of compressive coil springs of stainless steel

  5. 时效工艺对沉淀硬化不锈钢弹簧低周疲劳性能的影响

    The Effect of Age Hardening on Low Frequency Fatigue Behavior of Spring of PH Stainless Steel

  6. 电路依靠喷铝部连接起来,用不锈钢弹簧夹子固定在冷端部的周围。

    Electrical connections are made using flat aluminum braids , held in compression to the cold end circumference by stainless steel spring clamps .

  7. 介绍了振动电镀的工作原理以及不锈钢弹簧针振动镀金工艺流程及各工序操作要点。

    The working mechanism of vibration plating and the process flow and main points of each procedure of gold plating with vibration for stainless steel spring needles were introduced .

  8. 本文介绍喷丸强化对不锈钢压缩弹簧疲劳强度的影响。

    This paper describes the effect of shot-peening on fatigue strength of compressive coll springs of stainless steel .

  9. 这种阀门应该是黄铜阀体,不锈钢阀杆和弹簧。

    Valve shall have a brass body and stainless steel stem and spring .

  10. 复合形变处理对18-8型亚稳奥氏体不锈钢丝及弹簧性能的影响

    The effects of complex drawing on mechanical properties of 18-8 type metastable austenitic stainless steel wire and spring

  11. 在兔左右上颌第一磨牙与上颌切牙之间放置不锈钢闭合螺旋弹簧,牵引第一、二磨牙向近中移动。

    The coil spring which moved mesially the first molar was ligated between the maxillary first molar and incisor .

  12. 铬镍不锈钢及抗热钢弹簧线材

    Chromium - Nickel Stainless and Heat-resisting Steel Spring Wire

  13. 公司销售的材料有:各种规格不锈钢管、不锈钢板、不锈钢拉手、地弹簧及各类不锈钢装饰配件等。

    Sales of materials include all kinds of stainless steel pipes , plates , door handles , door stops and various decorative accessories .