
  1. 过敏性鼻炎患者中海鲜食物过敏之盛行率

    Prevalence of Seafood Allergy in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis

  2. 它是一种完美的海鲜食物开胃品的调料,还是蔬菜和白肉菜。

    It is a perfect accompaniment to seafood appetizers , vegetable risottos and fish or white meat dishes in general .

  3. 冰镇饮用,可以与色拉或者海鲜等食物搭配。

    Serve it chilled to match any salad and seafood dishes .

  4. 最喜欢吃海鲜类的食物,因为,它鲜美润滑。

    Favorite food to eat seafood because it is delicious lubrication .

  5. 适当开胃酒和贝类,海鲜和辛辣食物搭配。

    SERVING SUGGESTIONS : Perfect as an aperitif or with shellfish , seafood and spicy foods .

  6. 它以豆类为基础,还有裹着面糊炸的小海鲜和腌制食物,以及很多叫不上名的东西。

    It 's a legume-based cuisine , and you find small aquatic creatures fried in batter and pickled dishes and goodness knows what else .

  7. 使用期间不宜食辛辣、酒类、海鲜等刺激性食物。

    Do not take any irritative food like spice , alcohol or seafood , etc.