
  1. 中国海警局4月20日与生态环境部、交通运输部、国家林业和草原局联合启动为期7个月的“碧海2021”海洋生态环境保护专项执法行动。

    The China Coast Guard on April 20 launched a special law enforcement campaign coded " Blue Sea 2021 to enhance marine Administration . It will run for seven months .

  2. 加强海洋生态环境保护,实现海洋产业可持续发展;

    Reinforce the protection of the ecological environment and achieve sustainable development of marine industries ;

  3. 同时,要树立海洋生态环境保护意识,加强渔业立法,促进海洋渔业可持续发展。

    At the same time , it must set up environment protection consciousness of the ocean and promote sustainable development of the ocean fishery .

  4. 运行实践表明,该工程的实施,改善了海口湾地区的海洋生态环境,保护了海口湾的旅游资源。

    The running practice shows that the implement of this engineering improved the oceanic eco-environment of Haikou gulf estate , protected the resort resources .

  5. 辽宁海洋经济持续发展与海洋生态环境保护

    Sustainable Development of Oceanic Economy and Oceanic Environmental Protection of Liaoning Province

  6. 可将富含营养盐底层水带到表层,改进了海洋生态环境,因而对于海洋生态环境的保护、渔业捕捞及海洋养殖业的发展等具有指导意义;

    They bring the bottom water rich in nourishment to the surface , and then improve the growing conditions of ocean organisms and these have great impact on the ocean ecology environment , fish industry and breeding .

  7. 海洋是大连的最大优势,大连的建置和发展得益于海,海洋生态环境保护是大连城市经济与社会可持续发展的前提。

    Major advantage of Dalian is sea , Progression and organization system of Dalian benfits from sea . It is the precondition of sustainable development of economic and social development for protecting marine ecology environment .