
hǎi diāo
  • sea eagle
海雕[hǎi diāo]
  1. 中国的海雕

    The sea eagle found in China

  2. 藉著土地用途规划或设定及扩大郊野公园范围,保护位于周公岛及青洲的白腹海雕巢居生境;

    Protection , either through land use zoning , or preferably by designation extension of country parks , of white-bellied Sea Eagle nesting habitats , such as sunshine island and green island ;

  3. 图上是一只白尾海雕正在挪威捕食一条鲭鱼。

    A white-tailed sea eagle ( Haliaeetus albicilla ) catching a mackerel inNorway .

  4. 白腹海雕在树冠上筑巢,河流中遍布着鸭嘴兽。

    White-bellied sea eagles nest in the canopy and rivers are full of duck-billed platypus .

  5. 白头海雕常掠过水面捕鱼,并抢夺鹗抓到的鱼,也吃腐肉。

    Bald eagles snatch fish at the water surface , rob osprey of fish , and eat carrion .

  6. 冬天,2000只虎头海雕来到北海道海岸,这个数字占了该物种总数量的三分之一。

    Winter brings 2,000 Steller 's sea-eagles to the coast of Hokkaido-almost a third of the species ' population .

  7. 近日又在比邻电塔下的工作台上设立了平台让海雕造巢。

    In the last few days HKE offered an alternative nesting site at the working platform below the adjacent pylon .

  8. 周公岛位于北大屿山的东南部,可能是白腹海雕的繁殖及觅食生境之一。

    Sunshine Island located to the southeast of North Lantau is a potential breeding and feeding habitat for white-bellied sea eagles .

  9. 一只虎头海雕敏锐的眼睛在知床半岛外的浮冰之间搜寻闪光的鲱鱼。

    The keen eyes of a Steller 's sea-eagle seek the flash of herring between ice floes off the Shiretoko Peninsula .

  10. 港灯上星期拆除旧巢之后已在原位装上细网,防止海雕重建。

    After removing the old nest last week , HKE installed a mesh at each end of the pylon to stop the WBSEs from rebuilding .