
  1. 烟台海滨黄金海岸景观疗养因子的开发与利用

    Exploitation and application of sight convalescent factors in yantai gold cost

  2. 方法调研烟台海滨海岸景观疗养因子。

    Method To know the convalescent elements of the scenery in the seaside .

  3. 基于GIS的厦门市沿海岸线景观生态规划

    A GIS-based landscape planning for the coastal zones in Xiamen

  4. 海南岛文昌市北部海岸带景观动态变化研究

    Study on Landscape Dynamics of the Northern Coastal Zone in Wenchang City , Hainan

  5. 江苏淤泥质海岸湿地景观格局与景观生态建设

    Research on Landscape Pattern and Construction of Landscape Ecology of Muddy Coastal Wetlands in Jiangsu Province

  6. 渤海典型海岸带景观格局变化及其生态环境效应研究

    The Study on the Landscape Pattern Changes and Its Eco-environmental Effects on the Typical Coastal Zone of Bohai Bay

  7. 只有明确海岸带景观格局的变化趋势,才能合理规划海岸带景观格局,减少景观格局变化对生态环境的影响,实现海岸带资源利用的可持续发展。

    Only clear the changing trend of coastal landscape pattern , can reasonable plan the coastal landscape pattern , reduce the influence of the change on the coastal ecological environment , realize the sustainable development of the coastal resource utilization .

  8. 基于RS和GIS的盐城海岸带湿地景观格局变化及其驱动力研究

    Analysis on the landscape pattern changes and drive of Yancheng coastal wetland in Jiangsu based on RS and GIS technology

  9. 海南岛东南海岸带植被景观动态分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Vegetation Landscape of South-east Coastal Zone in Hainan Island

  10. 江苏省盐城海岸带湿地景观格局变化研究

    Landscape Pattern Change of Yancheng Coastal Wetland in Jiangsu

  11. 海岸带文化景观是海洋文化景观的一个重要的组成部分。

    Marine Cultural Landscape is an important component of Coastal Zone Cultural Landscape .

  12. 此研究对其他沿海城市海岸带文化景观可起到一定的借鉴作用。

    The study can play a certain role in reference to other cities .

  13. 对监督分类结果进行人机交互目视解译纠正,得到精度较高的崇明岛东部海岸带的景观图,并可此基础上进一步进行各种景观特征的定量分析和景观变化研究。

    On this basis , the quantitative analysis of landscape features and research on landscape change could be done .

  14. 苏北辐射沙洲海岸带农业景观生态分析与优化设计

    Ecological Analysis and Optimization Design for Agricultural Landscape of Coastal Zone along Radial Submarine Sand Ridges in North Jiangsu

  15. 通过对海岸带文化景观的保护及开发,可以促进旅游业的发展,有利于提高区域经济的整体水平。

    It can promote the development of tourism and help improve the overall level of the regional economy through the protective development about coastal zone cultural landscape .

  16. 在海岸带自然景观保留得比较完好的情况下,有利于从航片上提取土壤信息,从而可以建立比较准确的海岸带土壤判读标志;

    As long as the natural landscape of the seashore belt is not disturbed and remains intact , it is not difficult to obtain soil information from the aerial photograph and establish fairly accurately the marks of the seashore belt for soil interpretation .

  17. 运用景观生态学方法,选取了斑块面积、斑块形状指数、Shannon-Weaver多样性指数、斑块优势度指数、斑块破碎度指数五个景观格局指数用于海岸带生态的景观格局评价。

    With the landscape ecological methodologies , this thesis selected five ( 5 ) landscape pattern indexes , patch area , patch shape index , Shannon-Weaver diversity index , dominance index and fragmentation index , for the assessment of landscape pattern in coastal zone ecosystem .

  18. 对海南岛东南海岸带进行了景观生态规划。

    Landscape ecological planning in southeast coastal zone in Hainan Island was proposed .

  19. 随着沿海地区经济高速发展和人口急剧膨胀,以土地利用和土地覆盖变化为表现形式的海岸带地区表面景观及其利用形式的演变正在加速,海岸带资源、环境状况也发生了显著变化。

    With the rapid economic development and excess population growth , coastal Land-Use and Land-Cover Changes are accelerating as well as significant changes in coastal environment .

  20. 海岸生态交错带景观空间格局及其受开发建设的影响分析&以海南万泉河口博鳌地区为例

    Analysis of the landscape spatial pattern and influence caused by development and construction activities in coastal ecotone : A case study of Boao District , Hainan Island

  21. 该规划设计创立了通过海岸环境整治和景观生态设计,形成环境、景观与城市相和谐的城市经营与开发模式,对于我国港口及海岸工程建设具有较大的示范意义。

    Through operation , this planning and design develops a new model in harmony with the environment , the landscape and the city for city management and operation .

  22. 特别在山区和沿海岛屿,海岸地区建立自然景观和人为景观的各种自然保护区。

    And , above all , various reserves with nature landscapes and man made landscapes be built up in the mountainous country , coastal area as well at offshore islands .

  23. 文摘:以景观多样性、景观破碎度和景观分离度作为评价指标,分析渤海湾淤泥质海岸带典型地区景观空间格局以及人类活动对景观结构的影响。

    Abstract : on the basis of such evaluation indexes as landscape diversity , landscape fragmentation and landscape isolation , quantitative analysis was made on the landscape spatial pattern of the typical silty coastal zone in Bohai Bay and the impact of human activities on landscape structure .

  24. 综述了红树林湿地在海岸生态系统中所具有的维护生物多样性、防风消浪、促淤护岸、防灾减灾、净化海水、调节大气和美化海岸带景观等方面的功能。

    The functions of mangrove wetlands including biodiversity conservation , shoreline protection , water and atmosphere purification , coast beautification and so on are summarized .