
  • 网络marine loss;maritime loss
  1. 两人或两人以上彼此同意互相承保海上损失,称为相互保险。

    Where two or more persons mutually agree to insure each other against marine losses there is said to be a mutual insurance .

  2. 在第四章,为论证海上保险损失的原因,讨论了如何举证损失的原因问题,主要结合我国最近司法解释的认识举证责任问题。

    To clarify the causation of loss in dispute in Marine insurance , the essays in chapter IV discuss the onus of proof in Marine insurance in the combined thoughts on the recently issued Judicial Orders relating to Onus of proof .

  3. 然而,要进一步降低海上事故的损失,提高船舶应急管理水平和完善船舶的应急系统就是必须采取的措施之一。

    However , to decrease the loss further , improving the management level and perfecting the emergent system are effective measures which must be taken .

  4. 历史上,海难救助制度对于减少海上风险带来的损失以及促进海运事业产生了积极的作用。

    Historically , the system has played a positive role in minimizing losses incurred through the perils of sea and promoting marine transportation business .

  5. 去年,中海油的一些生产目标没有完成,原因之一在于恶劣的天气,比如台风就曾给一个海上油田造成了损失。

    Last year , Cnooc had trouble hitting some of its production targets , partly because of bad weather such as a typhoon that damaged an oil field .