
hǎi shì jiū fēn
  • maritime dispute
  1. 海事纠纷中ADR的作用

    On the Role of ADR in the Maritime Dispute

  2. 气象导航及其在海事纠纷中法律地位的探讨

    Ship 's Routing and Its Study of the Legal Status in the Maritime Dispute

  3. 本文旨在通过对这一问题的探讨,为正确及时地解决海事纠纷提供一定的参量标准。

    This dissertation aims at discussing this question and puts forward certain reference for solving maritime dispute correctly in time .

  4. 该书中有一段写的非常精彩,令人信服的说明一次无关紧要的海事纠纷可以导致局面的迅速失控。

    A compelling passage in the book spells out just how a minor maritime TIFF could swiftly get out of hand .

  5. 在海事纠纷方面,至关重要的是所有国家都必须清楚地了解什么是可接受的国际行为。

    With regard to maritime disputes , its critical that all nations have a clear understanding of what constitutes acceptable international behavior .

  6. 可是因为船舶具有航行的特征,债权人通过诉讼的方法不能轻易解决海事纠纷。

    But due to vessel 's sailing characteristic , it is not easy for a maritime claimant to settle the dispute by raising a lawsuit .

  7. 随着中美两国海事纠纷的增多,我国有关部门越来越希望更多地了解美国海商法。

    Confronted with increasing maritime disputes between China and the United states , the concerned parties in this country are anxious to learn more about American Admiralty law .

  8. 基于世界航运业的全球性、海事纠纷的涉外性以及海事法律的一体化等因素,国际海事仲裁在国际商贸领域发挥着重要作用。

    Due to the globalization of the international shipping industry as well as the unification of the maritime disputes and maritime legislation , international maritime arbitration plays an important role in dealing with international business disputes .

  9. 在亚太地区,我们支持东南亚国家同中国协商在中国南海海事纠纷中的行为准则,同时我们也支持通过国际法解决这些纠纷。

    In the Asia Pacific , were supporting Southeast Asian nations as they negotiate a code of conduct with China on maritime disputes in the South China Sea , and were working to resolve these disputes through international law .

  10. 研究船舶力学和碰撞强度问题,不仅有利于海上生命安全,防止海洋污染,而且也可为规定航运繁忙区域中的船舶航速、操作规程以及解决海事纠纷提供依据。

    To study the mechanics of ship and strength of collision not only benefit the life safety on the sea and prevent ocean pollution , but also offer references of ship velocity , manipulation regulations , maritime affairs for shipping busy regions .

  11. 第三节在对构建泛北部湾海事纠纷解决制度两种途径进行分析的基础上,提出了修订中国&东盟自由贸易区《争端解决协议》以适用于海事纠纷解决的具体构想。

    Section ⅲ firstly analyzes two ways to establish maritime dispute resolution system of Pan-Beibu regional , then the Article give opinions of amendments to " Dispute Settlement Agreement of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area ", so as to apply to the specific concept of maritime dispute resolution .

  12. 作为一种临时性救济措施,它对及时有效地解决海事海商纠纷、最大限度地保护海事请求人的合法权益具有重要意义。

    As a provisional relief , it plays an important role in solving maritime disputes promptly and effectively , and protecting the legal rights and interests of a maritime applicant .

  13. 在司法判例中,多项海事优先权纠纷,法院要直接适用英国法处理,这对合宪性是一大挑战。

    It is usually big challenges for the constitution that the courts have to directly use British law to deal with many maritime disputes in respective cases .

  14. 由于我国海军对外交往尚处发展阶段,国内处理军舰海事案件和纠纷在理论上也缺乏具体应用研究。

    Because the foreign affairs of our Chinese navy are still in the developing stage , the research of the detailed application is lacked in the warship maritime case and disputes theoretically which is easily to have a certain blindness in maritime judicial practice .

  15. 第六十五条涉外经济贸易、运输和海事中发生的纠纷的仲裁,适用本章规定。

    Article 65 The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to all arbitration of disputes arising from foreign economic , trade , transportation or maritime matters .

  16. 第7章重点论述了海事机关调解海事民事纠纷的优点、弊端和海事机关在运用调解权能时应注意的几个问题。

    Chapter 7 discuss the advantages and disadvantage of the civil dispute mediation held by maritime safety administration , and some questions should be attended during mediation are elaborated .

  17. 海事扣押船舶是海商法中极其重要的一项内容,是出现海事纠纷后被频繁运用的措施。

    Arrest of ship is very important in Maritime law .