
  • 网络PuDong Development Bank;Shanghai Pudong Development Bank;SPDB
  1. 许多其它大型中国企业也在计划进行大规模增发,其中包括花旗集团(Citigroup)部分持股的上海浦东发展银行(ShanghaiPudongDevelopmentBank)。

    A number of other large Chinese companies , including Shanghai Pudong Development Bank , which is partly owned by Citigroup , are also planning large secondary share offerings .

  2. 中国移动(ChinaMobile)昨日确认,正与上海浦东发展银行(ShanghaiPudongDevelopmentBank)就一项潜在投资洽谈。此举可能帮助这家全球最大的移动运营商拓展其手机支付服务。

    China Mobile yesterday confirmed it was in talks with Shanghai Pudong Development Bank over a potential investment in the lender , a step that could help the world 's largest wireless operator expand its mobile payment services .

  3. 两年前,浦东发展银行(PudongDevelopmentBank)驻上海的初级经理苏天平(音译)购买了一辆QQ。这款由中国汽车公司奇瑞(Chery)制造的微型汽车,是2005年的热销车型之一。

    Two years ago Su Tianping , a junior manager at Pudong Development Bank in Shanghai , bought a QQ , the microcar made by Chinese company Chery , which was a sales phenomenon in2005 .

  4. 与此同时,银监会银行监管三部主任徐风已被任命为上海浦东发展银行行长。花旗集团(Citigroup)在上海浦发银行持有3.8%的股份。

    Meanwhile Xu Feng , a director at the CBRC , has been named president of the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank , which is 3.8 per cent owned by Citigroup .

  5. 知情人士表示,未来两周,中等规模的上海浦东发展银行(shanghaipudongdevelopmentbank)有望获得监管部门的批准,与法国保险公司安盛集团(axa)成立合资基金公司。

    Shanghai Pudong Development Bank , a medium-sized lender , is expected to receive regulatory approval for its fund joint venture with AXA , the French insurer , in the next two weeks , say people close to the deal .

  6. 上海浦东发展银行电子银行业务营销组合策略研究

    Research on Marketing Mix Tactics of SPD Bank 's E-banking Business

  7. 浦东发展银行济南分行银行大客户营销管理分析

    Pudong Development Bank Jinan Branch Key Account Marketing Management Analysis

  8. 2008年下半年,上海浦东发展银行即将进驻兰州。

    The second half of 2008 , the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank will be stationed in Lanzhou .

  9. 第三部分,即第五章高管薪酬设计&以上海浦东发展银行为例。

    In the third part as the fifth chapter , a case of executive payment designed-Shanghai Pudong Development Bank .

  10. 基于全要素生产率的股份制商业银行技术进步研究&以上海浦东发展银行为例

    Technology progress based on total-factor productivity of joint-stock commercial bank : taking Shanghai Pudong Development Bank as a case

  11. 股份制商业银行中,浦东发展银行的效率最高,交通银行的效率最低。

    Among the joint-stock commercial banks , Shanghai Pudong Development Bank has the highest efficiency and China Communication bank finishes last .

  12. 上海浦东发展银行作为国内商业银行推行客户关系管理比较成功的银行,依然存在着许多不足之处。

    As the successful example of using the customer relationship management , Shanghai Pudong development commercial bank also has many disadvantages .

  13. 它与地区性小型银行上海浦东发展银行之间的合资关系使它可以发行信用卡。

    It has a joint venture with Shanghai Pudong Development Bank , a small regional bank that allows it to issue credit cards .

  14. 最终使浦东发展银行客户服务中心能为客户提供全方位、多功能、高质量的24小时服务;

    As a result , the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank will provide its customers with full-oriented , multi-function , high-quality service of 24 hours .

  15. 个人业务不是很突出的上海浦东发展银行将成为住房贷款证券化的第一个试点,有点超出了业界预期。

    Personal business is not very prominent Shanghai Pudong Development Bank to become the securitization of housing loans of the first pilot , somewhat beyond the industry expected .

  16. 上海浦东发展银行“学生贷款”的意向性批准信的原件,注明贷款数额和还贷期限,并且还贷期限必须满足签证处有关学生贷款期限的要求。

    In-principle approval from Shanghai Pudong Development Bank for a " student loan " for a specified amount and with a term covering at least the designated period .

  17. 蔡崇信发表评论前,多家中国品牌,包括体育品牌李宁和上海浦东发展银行都宣布撤销对火箭队的赞助合约。

    Tsai 's comments came after multiple Chinese brands , including sports brand Li-Ning and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank , announced that they were pulling sponsorship deals with the Rockets .

  18. 继而提出借用多维度风险度量体系来进行有效的全面风险控制管理,并以上海浦东发展银行为例运用多维度风险管理度量方法。

    So the paper puts forward to quote multi-dimensional risk measures to survey and control the risk management , and making SPD Bank as an example , using the method .

  19. 包括交通银行、中信实业银行、中国光大银行、华夏银行、中国民生银行、广东发展银行、深圳发展银行、招商银行、兴业银行、上海浦东发展银行及囱丰银行。

    Includes Bank of communications , CITIC Industrial bank , China Everbright bank , Hua Xia bank , Minsheng bank , Guangdong Development bank , Shenzhen Development bank , China Merchants bank , industrial bank , Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and evergrowing bank .

  20. 本文的实际背景是上海浦东发展银行银行住房补贴信息系统研发项目,笔者为该项目的项目经理,全面负责该系统的研发。

    The present study bases on the developing project ( the information system for housing allowance ) on SPDB ( Shanghai Pudong Development Bank ) Chongqing branch . The writer , as the manager of the project , is in charge of exploring the system .

  21. 本文介绍了浦东发展银行字浦江两岸的建筑情况,兼及浦西旧址与浦东新址同时期的金融建筑,分析了银行建筑设计的历史传承与变化发展。

    The essay presents Pudong Development Bank 's office buildings on both sides of Huangpu River , Shanghai , and it also covers financial buildings of the same era in the two sites . A history of transition and transformation of bank buildings has been analysed as well .