
  • 网络Radar;LS-W;doppler radar
  1. DSP在交通测速雷达中的应用

    Application of DSP in speed measurement radar for communication

  2. 根据C波段测速雷达工程需要,利用理论计算和仿真修正的方法,设计了能有效抑制随机干扰信号的C波段窄带介质滤波器。

    According to the requirement of CW Doppler RADAR . Designed the C band DR filer by the theoretical and numerical methods .

  3. 测速雷达采用连续波雷达体制,利用DSP进行信号处理。

    The speed-measuring using CW radar system and using DSP for signal processing .

  4. 利用优化的系统设计方法,根据测速雷达对信号源的要求,设计的X波段介质振荡器达到了预定的设计指标。

    Using the system optimization method , designed the X band DRO , which reached the desired specification .

  5. 设计了一种由INS、GPS和Doppler测速雷达构成的多传感器组合导航系统。

    A multi-sensor navigation system composed of INS , GPS and Doppler was designed in this paper .

  6. DDS模拟器在测速雷达静态检测中的应用

    Application of DDS Emulator in Velocity Radar Static Examination

  7. 针对测速雷达实时数字信号处理系统的设计问题,提出了一种基于DSP与FPGA的设计新方法。

    A new method is presented to implement the velocity radar real-time digital signal processing system based on DSP and FPGA .

  8. 整个测速雷达数字接收机系统分为两个部分,包括FPGA硬件信号处理和NiosⅡ处理器。

    The whole system has two parts , such as FPGA hardware module and Nios ⅱ processor .

  9. 变量施肥的控制实施系统包括差分GPS系统、田间计算机、液压马达、测速雷达和排肥器总成。

    The control and actualize system of variable rate fertilization consist of DGPS , Field Computer , Hydraulic Motor , Ground Sensing Radar and fertilizer assembly .

  10. 扩充的Prony方法在测速雷达数据处理中的应用

    Application of Extending Prony Method in Data Processing of Doppler Radar

  11. 8mm驼峰测速雷达改进及试验

    Improvement and Testing of 8 mm Hump Radar speed Meter

  12. 基于Wigner-Ville分布的毫米波测速雷达信号处理

    Signal Processing of Millimeter Wave Velocity Measurement Radar Based on Wigner-Ville Distribution

  13. 本课题开展了对FPGA芯片的实际工程运用设计,以其为平台,完成了炮口测速雷达处理系统的相应功能。

    This subject designs an actual project with the FPGA chips . As the chip to be a platform , it completes corresponding function of a muzzle Doppler Radar processing system .

  14. 介绍了测速雷达中的谱分析技术,分析了其测速精度和速度分辨率,讨论了FFT运算对杂波和噪声的抑制作用。

    This paper introduces the spectrum-analysing technology in measuring-speed radar and analyses its measuring-speed precision and resolution . The restraining action to various clutters and noises using FFT is also discussed .

  15. 最后简要介绍了该发射机在C波段测速雷达系统的应用,取得了较好的速度测量精度和测量距离。

    The measured results account to the design requirement . Finally , the application of this kind of transmitter in the C band velocity measurement radar is introduced briefly . The well precision of the velocity measurement and the distance measurement are got .

  16. 本文采用了CCS软件对雷达的DSP软件程序进行设计,最后对本课题设计的测速雷达进行信号处理电路调试和交通现场测试,测试结果表明测速雷达能够满足实际需求。

    Finally , we debug the signal processing circuit of the radar and test it in the traffic scene , the results show that the speed-measuring radar is meeting the actual demand .

  17. 在常规靶场CW测速雷达中,由于收-发天线是共用的,故不可避免地会在接收信号中混入发射机的泄漏信号,从而影响接收机的正常工作。

    In CW radars for speed measurements at a general range , since the antenna is common in its receiver and transmitter , therefore the transmitter 's leakage signal exists in the received signal certainly , it ef-fects normal operation of the receiver .

  18. 比较了不同接收体制在多普勒测速雷达中的特性优劣。(2)采用非调制连续波、正交双通道体制、零中频接收结构设计、实现和测试Ku波段测速雷达前端。

    Compare the characteristics quality of different receiving systems in the Doppler velocity radar . ( 2 ) Design , implementation and test the Ku-band speed radar front-end . The test results meet the design specifications adopting non-modulated continuous wave , orthogonal dual-channel system , the zero-IF receiver structure .

  19. 使用Chapman-Kirk方法以及多项式拟合手段,对靶场试验中所得的BEL测速雷达数据进行处理,得到飞行过程中弹体的阻力系数,将其与风洞实验数据对比,分析飞行过程中系统偏差。

    BEL velocity-measuring radar data obtained in range test is processed using Chapman-Kirk method and polynomial fitting and the rocket drag coefficient in flight is obtained . And then comparing it with wind tunnel data , systematic deviation in flight is analyzed .

  20. 编组站测速雷达的信号分析及测量方法

    Signal Analysis and Measuring Method for Hump Yard Speed Measuring Radar

  21. 多普勒测速雷达回波信号突变特征小波提取算法的研究

    Research on Doppler Speed Estimation Radar Echo Character Extraction with Wavelets

  22. 驼峰测速雷达信号数字滤波处理的研究

    Research on radio signal digital filter processing for hump speed measurement

  23. 测速雷达中的谱分析技术

    The spectrum - analysing technology in measuring - speed radar

  24. 一种基于卡尔曼滤波的机车测速雷达算法

    An Algorithm Based on Kalman Filter for Locomotive Speed Radar

  25. 测速雷达信号识别是进行辅助决策的关键。

    The recognition of velocity radar is critical to the assistant strategy .

  26. 多项相位变换法在测速雷达中的应用多项偏相关多项偏相关

    Application of Polynomial Phase Transform in Velocity Measurement of Radar

  27. 测速雷达的电波折射简易修正方法及精度分析

    A Simplified Method and Accuracy Analysis of Atmospheric Refractive Correction for Velocity-measuring Radar

  28. 基于遗传算法的多部测速雷达布站优化研究

    Optimization of the Layout of Doppler Radar Stations Based on the Genetic Algorithm

  29. 多普勒测速雷达速度转换的误差分析

    Error analysis of speed conversion to Doppler speed radar

  30. 机车多普勒测速雷达波束方向校正方法

    Beam Direction Correction of Doppler Speed Radar on Locomotive