
  • 网络repulse bay road
  1. 浅水湾道1号是澳门赌王何鸿燊(StanleyHo)的住宅。一位参观过该住宅的人说,这座住宅不仅反映了其主人的财富,也反映了他属于上世纪70年代的审美情趣。

    No 1 Repulse Bay Road is the residence of Stanley Ho , the gambling king of Macao , and the house reflects both the wealth and 1970s aesthetic sensibilities of its occupant , according to one person who has visited .

  2. 位于浅水湾道129号的这处地产被某些人戏谑为如心之墓,自近7年前由华懋集团建成以来,它一直处于空置状态。

    Referred to irreverently by some as Nina 's tomb , the property at 129 Repulse Bay road has lain dormant and empty since its completion by Chinachem almost seven years ago .