
  • 网络Asada
  1. 浅田则说:我会为他们准备一样日本传统的礼物。

    I have prepared a traditional Japanese gift for them , Asada said .

  2. DF1&1气田位于莺歌海盆地泥底辟构造带北部,是一个由泥底辟而形成的继承性背斜构造,即整装的浅层大气田。

    DF1 & 1 gas field is located in the north of the mud diapir structure belt in Yinggehai Basin , being a successive anticlinal structure formed by mud diapiric activity , i. e. an integral shallow giant gas field .

  3. 浅瘦型低产田综合改良定位试验研究

    The Locational Test and Experiment of the Synthetical Improvement of the Shallow and Infertile Type Paddy Field of Low Output

  4. 又从该区火山活动的分析研究可知,在地壳浅部形成地热田热源的大规模岩浆囊或岩浆固结所成高温岩体的可能性也是非常小的。

    Through the analysis and research of volcanic activity in this area , we can know that it is nearly impossible to form large-scale magma pocket of heat source in the geothermal field or concrete to rock mass with high temperature .