- 名Circulating capital;working capital;operating funds;circulation/revolving/ operating fund

Except that , this research shows that , students ' family background , academic performance , behavior performance and the group characteristics are effective factors in assessing and label still .
Discussion about examining index for capital preservation in goods circulation business
Marx said : commodity circulation is the starting point of capital .
The formative process of market economy can be divided into three phases : barter trade , commodity circulation , and capital circulation .
And then , it summarizes the new trends of related transactions by practice and by disclosing the overall changes of capital market when the shares are totally tradable .
The service orientation of the capital market , circulation of state-owned shares and the opening of the capital market to the outside have been discussed in the paper .
RMB circulation abroad and capital flight ;
Global production , communication , capital , labor market and scientific technology have strengthened the internationalization of the social development greatly .
A sound and efficient stock market has great significance in accelerating capital flow and efficiently allocating capital in the whole economy .
Theoretical Problems in the Process of the Split Share Structure Reform & A Further Discussion on Recent Development of China 's Capital Market
Developing modern logistics can speed up the capital flow while effectively lower the cost and improve the quality , and accordingly benefits the nation 's economy in maintaining a fast speed .
With the growing of economic globalization , The basic completion of split share structure reform , China has entered an era of inclusive circulating shares . This great innovation in the capital markets solved the lack of enterprise reform funds successfully .
The classification and non-currency of the state stocks and artificial person 's stocks are the unique equity ownership structure phenomena of Chinese capital market , which resulting in the imperfection of the artificial person management system and " inter-persons control ", and making the state-owned stocks lessening necessary .
The core of the reform of non-tradable shares is to clear up the problems of the non-circulating stocks , reducing , negotiating and push them into the stock market so as to realize the whole circulation and put the capital markets into full play in the allocation resources .