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  • 网络Exile
  1. 不过,华尔街的这些被流放者应打起精神。

    Wall Street exiles should take heart , however .

  2. 男人知道他们是性的流放者。

    Men know that they are sexual exiles .

  3. 他的名字是阿卜杜拉曼,而且他是一位被流放者。

    His name was Abd-ar-rahman and he was an exile .

  4. 乐园中人变成了流放者和流浪者。

    The gardeners became exiles and wanderers .

  5. 那些被流放者不用纳税,对他们数量的过度扩张,请加以控制。

    Please exercise control over the excessively expanding number of the exiles exempt from tax .

  6. 流放者的归来:斯泰伦在《苏菲的选择》中关于生死的言说

    Return of the Exile : Styron 's Vision on Life and Death in Sophie 's Choice

  7. 我与世隔绝,仿佛是一个隐士,一个流放者。

    I am divided from mankind , a solitaire , one banish 'd from humane society .

  8. 他们是特殊历史的流放者,在美国经历了西方文化的洗礼后仍怀着对文化中国的理想坚守。

    They are special historical exiles in the United States experienced after the baptism of Western culture .

  9. 问她由谁为流放者的悲剧负责,她毫不犹豫地回答就是驱逐他们的这些国家。

    Ask her who was responsible for their tragedy , and she instantly says it was the countries that pushed them out .

  10. 该城是由希腊流放者们于公元前529年建立起来的,在罗马帝国时期是重要的商业中心。

    The city was founded by Greek exiles c.529 bc and was an important commercial center during the Roman Empire . Population , 61,300 .

  11. 这种状态的生成,首先是因为流放者的身份的特殊性,同时,房陵的特殊地理条件符合了宋代以前流放的各项需求。

    The reasons for this situation were the special status of exiles and geographical conditions of Fangling , which met all the requirements of exile before the Song Dynasty .

  12. 奈保尔,一位生来注定的流放者,不可避免地经历着流放者的身份迷失,竭力寻找着自己身份的归属地和文化依着点。

    Naipaul , an inherited Diaspora , is destined to experience the loss of identity as an exile and the struggle to locate his identity in one place or one culture .

  13. 但她所认同的这些白人却与当时西方社会中的白人形象不同,甚至可以说这些人是来自西文白人社会的流放者。

    But , the white ones she identified with were the typical ones who did not belong to the white society at that time , but the exiles from white society .