
liú bō
  • streaming;spread;circulate;hand down
流播 [liú bō]
  • [spread;circulate;hand down] 流传;传播

流播[liú bō]
  1. 但由于它对小说的曲意附会,其评点文字并未像删改过的文本那样流播后世。

    But its comments don 't spread so widely as the amended text because it distorts meaning of the novel .

  2. 复仇文化与丧悼文化的双重影响和相互作用使得该故事流播广远,影响深巨。

    The interaction and mutual influence of both revenge culture and mourning culture make the story spread so far away .

  3. 索尼正在加强与谷歌在起居室技术上的联盟关系,该公司还表示,将出售搭载GoogleCast的音箱,让用户将音乐以流播形式直接传送至音箱。

    Reinforcing its deepening alliance with Google in living-room technology , Sony also said it would sell speakers embedded with Google Cast , enabling users to stream music direct to speakers .

  4. 一周前,friendfeed推出了新版“生活流播”(lifestreaming)服务,成为第一个真正实时的社会媒体网站。

    FriendFeed became the first truly real-time social media service with the launch of a new version of its " lifestreaming " service a week ago .

  5. 寒山诗在日本、美国的流播&一个文学他国化的典型个案

    Dissemination of Hanshan 's Poems in Japan and the United States

  6. 滑寿医学著作在日本的流播

    Spreading of Hua Shou ′ s Medical Books in Japan

  7. 后现代主义文化理论在国内的流播述要

    Essentials of the Circulation of Post-modernist Cultural Theory in China

  8. 韩国和中国民间,长期以来流播着大量的义狗说话。

    The stories of loyal dogs are popular in Chinese and Korean folklores .

  9. 彩色M型多普勒测血流播散速率评价左室舒张功能

    Rate of flow propagation assessment of left ventricular diastolic function by color M mode Doppler echocardiography

  10. 他的作品被译成多种文字,流播全球。每年,人们在他的诞辰日举行“伯恩斯之夜”晚宴,以示纪念。

    He is celebrated all over the world through translations of his work and the annual Burns Night supper on his birthday .

  11. 电话曾是令人难以置信的机器,然而在如今这个移动视频流播免费的世界,通过固定线路传输的语音通话往好里说也只是一种日用品。

    Telephones were once incredible machines but today voice calls on fixed lines are at best a commodity in a world where mobile video streaming is free .

  12. 鬼母育儿型故事是一个世界性的故事类型,在我国民间的流播极广。

    The story of Mother Ghost Nurturing A Child , which has spread far and wide among the Chinese people , fits into a universal genre of stories .

  13. 实际上,这些南戏声腔虽然可能受到了广泛流播的弋阳腔的影响,但在音乐特质上仍然存在本质的差异。

    In fact , Nan Xi Sheng Qiang is somewhat affected by widely-submitted Ye yang tune-patterns , but there is still substantial discrepancy on music idiosyncrasy between them .

  14. 第二,系统梳理和探讨这一时期关于花儿的名称、分类、渊源、族属与流播的研究。

    Consequently there came a heated Hua ' er researches . Secondly , systematically it sorts and discusses the name , the classification , the origin , the ethnic belongingness , the transmission .

  15. 而韩愈诗文在宋代的广泛流播、以及韩愈在宋人中所引起的巨大影响和争议,则无疑进一步强化了他在唐音向宋调转变过程中的承启作用。

    Besides , the wide spreading of his poems and prose in Song dynasty and the great influence he had on Song writers strengthened his connecting function in the changing process from Tang-Style to Song-Style .