
  1. 掺粉煤灰的80MPa高强度大流动性混凝土研究

    Study on 80 MPa High Strength and great fluidity concrete doped with flyash

  2. 复合使用高效减水剂控制大流动性混凝土坍落度损失

    Control of Slump Loss for high fluidity Concrete by Compounding Superplasticizers

  3. 高流动性混凝土工作性能试验方法研究

    Research on Test Method for Workability of High Flowability Concrete

  4. 大流动性混凝土在系杆钢管拱桥中的施工控制

    Construction control of the high fluidity concrete on tied steel arch bridge

  5. C110高强度大流动性混凝土研究

    Study on C 110 high strength and high fluidity concrete

  6. 低水泥用量的高强度大流动性混凝土研究

    Study on high strength and high fluidity concrete low content of cement

  7. 大流动性混凝土在加固工程中的应用和总结

    Application and conclusion of large flow concrete in enforcing project

  8. 连续梁大流动性混凝土配合比设计及应用

    Mix Design and Construction for the High Fluidity Concrete in Continuous Beam

  9. 粉煤灰对大流动性混凝土性能的影响

    Effect of Fly Ash on Performance of Flowing Concrete

  10. 大流动性混凝土已在实际工程中得到广泛应用。

    High-flowing concrete has wide application in practical projects .

  11. 大流动性混凝土塑性收缩裂缝研究

    Research on Plastic Shrinkage Cracking of High Flowing Concrete

  12. 测定大流动性混凝土工作性的试验研究

    A Study on the workability of High Fluid Concrete

  13. 粉煤灰在大流动性混凝土中的应用

    Application of Fly Ash in the Fluidized Concrete

  14. 目前,混凝土特别是大流动性混凝土容易产生早期裂缝。

    Presently , concrete especially high flowing concrete can easily crack at early ages .

  15. 滤水混凝土是一种微泌水、大水灰比、大流动性混凝土。

    Filtering concrete is low bleeding concrete with high water cement ratio and high fluidity .

  16. 流动性混凝土及其实际应用

    Liquid Concrete and its Practical Application

  17. 硅粉和粉煤灰双掺配制高强度大流动性混凝土

    Preparation of Great Strength and High Flowage Concrete Double Mixed with Silica Powder and Coal Ash

  18. 高流动性混凝土早期干燥、质量减少与自由收缩关系的研究

    Study on the Relationships Between Early Age Drying , Mass Lost and Free Shrinkage for High-flowing Concrete

  19. 聚丙烯纤维不适于大流动性混凝土,对中小流动性的混凝土匀质性改善作用大,聚丙烯腈不宜用于匀质性的改善。

    The polypropylene fibre have the better effect to concrete that the flowability is not too big than that is big . The polyacrylonitrile have no use to improve the homogeneity of concrete .

  20. 研究了减水剂掺量和用水量对内掺20%锂渣的高强度大流动性混凝土强度与流动性的影响,捣实工艺对混凝土强度的影响。

    The effect of water reducing agent dosage and water quantity used on the strength and fluidity of high strength and high fluidity concrete inner added 20 % Lithium slag was studied . the compacting technology on the concrete strength was studied .

  21. 大流动性高强混凝土坍落度经时损失研究

    Research on the Slump Time losing of Large Fluidity High-strength Concrete

  22. 大流动性陶粒混凝土应用技术研究

    Research for application technology of too liquid ceramsite concrete

  23. 大流动性高强混凝土的配制研究

    Research on preparation of high-flowable high-strength concrete

  24. 本论文根据目前通用的工艺,采用常用的原材料,成功的配制了28天强度达90MPa的大流动性高强混凝土,并以此作为研究对象。

    The author successfully makes the high-fluidity and high compressive strength concrete with 90 MPa of 28 days age by adopting universal construction techniques and using common raw and processed materials .

  25. 低强度大流动性引气混凝土耐久性的试验研究

    Experimental investigation on durability of low-intensity high fluidity air-entrained concrete

  26. 增粘剂的采用是保证大流动性轻骨料混凝土具有优良性能的关键。

    Adoption of viscous agent is a key technique to ensure lightweight aggregate concrete with big fluidity to have good performances .

  27. 研究了具有高流动性的流态混凝土的配比、流动性、早期裂纹扩展、强度、收缩、碳化和抗冻融性,这种混凝土无论在成本上还是性能上都是非常可行的。

    Mixture proportions , flowability , crack propagation at early ages , strength , shrinkage , carbonation and the freezing and thawing resistance of flowing concrete with high flowability were investigated .

  28. 借鉴常规混凝土的高强化技术、补偿收缩技术和自密实技术,开发出了高强低脆再生混凝土、微干缩高强再生混凝土和大流动性高强再生混凝土。

    Adopting the routine concrete 's producing technologies of high strengthening , compensating contraction and self-compacting , develops the high strength and low brittleness recycled concrete , mini-dry shrinkage and high strength recycled concrete and large fluidity and high strength recycled concrete .

  29. 本文着重介绍采用以破碎卵石为粗骨料配制大流动性泵送C60混凝土技术应用。

    The paper mainly introduced the application technology of the pumping high strength concrete ( C60 ) which takes crushed gravel as coarse aggregate with big fluidity .

  30. 低流动性损失水下混凝土抗分散剂的性能研究

    Properties of Anti - Dispersion Agent for Low Fluidity Loss Underwater Concrete